Maternity Ward on TLC

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Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by m&mmom »

Anyone else watching. The doc used forceps to deliver a 9lb baby who was one month early to a diabetic mother. They showed him doing the woods corkscrew I think. When the baby was delivered one arm was up and the other was down at the side. They wrapped the baby quickly and took her to the nicu because the lungs were not developed. I had to go upstairs to give Melanie cough syrup - does anyone know if they mentioned bpi?
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Re: Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by admin »

I saw something similar on TLC in January. My son was due in February. I brought this up to the doctor after I saw this and insisted I had a C-section. I saw another doctor come in and pull the baby out after the first one could not. This scared me so I brought it up. The doc said he'd be fine, she was wrong.
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Re: Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by admin »

Was the wood's corkscrew done before the forceps were applied? I wish I had time to start watching those shows. Has anyone ever seen a shoulder dystocia or bpi on one of the birthing shows?
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Re: Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by m&mmom »

This show was just on last night but I'm not sure if it was a new episode or not.

The woods corkscrew was done after the forceps were used to pull the baby's head down. He kept saying that the baby was too large to come down on it's own so she needed help. The baby's arm looked like Melanie's did so that's why I'm questioning it. This was the first time I saw shoulder dystocia on one of those shows.

whitneys mom
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Re: Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by whitneys mom »

I stayed up to watch the repeat last night. They didn't give much info about it. They did mention SD. but nothing further. They were concentration on the lung development. At the end when they show the pictures with the credits, i thought( not 100%) I saw both arms moving. It is a new episode for a new season, so it may be a while before it plays again. I will definatly keep my eyes on the TLC website and tape it next time.

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Re: Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by admin »

They never showed the end result. But the same thing happened to me when another doc had to come in and pull him out. PS That 13lb baby was delivered at the same hospital that my son was born, same clinic affiliated. Same county. I think someone posted a picture of him here once, and yes, he did suffer this injury. The picture was taken before the parents found out how serious this injury was. The "doc" thaought it was neat to deliver such a big baby. His injury is right arm.
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Re: Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by twinsxx2+one »

My good friend actually called me today to tell me she saw that last night. She said until then she just really didn't realize how tramtic the birth was. I mean to most people(even me) when you hear shoulder dystocia you do not realize how serious it can be. I actually didn't know until be started PT, the doctors and nursery staff at the hospital really shrugged it off,"he'll be fine in a few months."
The information in my area is so limited. I want to help and get awarness out there, but honestly with 5 kids and the baby demanding soooo much from me, Ijust don't have the energy. Is that horrid of me?
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Re: Maternity Ward on TLC

Post by m&mmom »

Not horrid - just normal.
