Future children and how to deliver them...

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:25 pm

Re: Future children and how to deliver them...

Post by Josh'smom »

My first child was SD and had her collar bone broken. My second I changed drs and thought I had an experience dr and I told them of the previous SD. Well my second has a LOBPI and broken collar bone. Well when I found out I was pregnant with my third I changed hospitals, drs and made sure the dr was going to give me a c section. the section was CAKE compared to my two previous natural deliveries that were difficult. I think with my BPI child I got 20 stitches!!! I could barely walk--good luck in your decision, but really research it.
Karen Hillyer
Posts: 562
Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2002 1:36 pm

Re: Future children and how to deliver them...

Post by Karen Hillyer »

I think the manoeuvre you are talking about is supposed to be the McRoberts manoevre - a well documented and recognised move to overcome a shoulder dystocia - done correctly it can help to free the baby's shoulders.
Many hospitals perform this manoevre with the Mothers legs in stirrups- however this does not help with the dystocia at all- for the move to be a proper McRoberts the woman's buttocks MUST be lifted off the bed whilst the legs are elevated and drawn up to the shoulder - otherwise it ISN'T a McRoberts at all.
when used properly it is widely recognised as one of the best and easiest methods of freeing the shoulder
Good luck with what ever decision you reach