Muscial Instruments

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Muscial Instruments

Post by Francine_Litz »

actually the voice is very important for our kids that have diaphragm weaknesses... when they booted Maia out of gym class I was ok with that because they exchanged it for Music class in which she sings for 45 minutes!! I also believe that singing really effects the emotional status for the better... don't you feel great when you sing out loud?
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Re: Muscial Instruments

Post by JaimeC »

Jennyb, I've GOT to know how to sing rounds in Maori! Please! It sounds quite entertaining!
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Re: Muscial Instruments

Post by admin »

Pauline.....I do not think you can start music too young. My son was 10 when he started. He really wanted to play the trumpet and tried for about a month. He is a rbpi and he just did not have the endurance of his fingers.....He loved the French Horn and would have continued in band but he wanted to learn Japanese even more. We had him in private horn lessons. Call your local music store and they should have a list of music teachers of various instruments.


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Re: Muscial Instruments

Post by Tammie »

We have a keyboard and Joe Joe (3.5) loves to play on that. He hasn't had formal lessons yet, but it's good therapy and fun for him. His sister plays violin and has a recorder from school. He loves to play with those instruments as well. I'm really hoping he'll be interested in the drums. That would be awesome therapy!
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Re: Muscial Instruments

Post by Beedle »

I was thinking the Bugle would be good, that is one handed, and Def Lepard has a wicked drummer!! He has NO use of his other arm, in fact I don't think he has 2 arms?
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Re: Muscial Instruments

Post by Joshua »

We have introduced our 8 year old daughter to a small harp, xylophone, harmonica, trumpet and keyboard. Mostly she loves the CD player with headphones.
