Info for Maryland Families - SSI / Insurance

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2002 1:50 pm

Info for Maryland Families - SSI / Insurance

Post by Jody »

Gateways to Health Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs:

A Concise Guide to Understanding Your Health Plan and Accessing the Health Care Your Child Needs in Maryland.

Therese McIntyre
Dr. William Sciarillo
2002 Edition - Complete guide to health insurance in Maryland.

Covers Medicaid, HealthChoice and other Maryland Medical Care Programs, private insurance, and TRICARE.

Summaries of applicable Maryland and Federal regulations are included along with practical advice for getting the care your child needs.

Children and SSI: A How-To Guide to Benefits in Maryland
Therese McIntyre - 2003 Edition
Publication for statewide use with step-by-step help for families applying for SSI benefits for a child.

For the full text of these publications and to look at our other available resources please see our website at

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Re: Info for Maryland Families - SSI / Insurance

Post by admin »

Thanks so much!
Karrie in MD.
Posts: 126
Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2002 9:14 pm

Re: Info for Maryland Families - SSI / Insurance

Post by Karrie in MD. »

Thank you. This may have some info I need for Kyle's next IEP meeting. I'll have to read up on everything. Thanks again.