
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Neurontin

Post by admin »

My son took Neurontin for 3 years in combination with Nortriptyline. It's another similar drug - non narcotic and not addictive. I truly believe it helped even though he still had break throughs, some lasting 6 or 7 days. He was in misery like your husband is now. I'm sorry. I know what it is like to watch him in pain and not be able to help. Keeping busy and distracting him helped Brian. He was only 9 when the crash happened though. Kids seem to be able to adjust better than adults. Best of luck.
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Re: Neurontin

Post by Snowball »

My son has BPI FROM A MINOR SURGERY,THE ONLY THING ALL THE DOCTORS agree on is the nerves were strecthed durning the operation.He was 39 at the time and it almost destoryed him.HE WAS UNABLE TO USE HIS RIGHT arm or hand,witch is his dominte hand.wasun able to return to work as he needed both hands.the pain was unbearable,so they had him on so many drugs that you could not hold a conversation with him.Neurontin is one of the drugs that did help the pain.but was also on oxicontin 40 gm 3 times @5gms twice aday,plus all kinds of antidepression pills.He lived in another world for almost3 years.Finaly they sent him to a doctor to try a nerve stimulator.They do a trial one on the out side of the body for 10 days to see if it helps,Thank god it did help a lot with the pain/so now he has one implanted in his back the lead runs down his arm and hand,once the stimulator was implanted he was able to get off of all narcotic drugs.He said it was like coming out of a fog.He lost 3 years of his life because of the cronic pain that goes with BPI.hE IS STILL ON Neurontin said it helps the best of all the meds he was on for nerve pain.The thing you have to be careful of is over doing it with your good hand,he was just operated on for nerve damage to his good hand from over use and now has the pain in that arm and hand also.They are talking about putting another lead going into that arm and hand.So if the pain is unbearable please ask your Doctor about the nerve stimulator.Hope this helps you.concerned Mother
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Re: Neurontin

Post by admin »

I have been on Neurontin for 8 months now following a minor surgery on my lower back. The neurontin is for a brachial plexus stretch that occurred to my right (dominant) hand/arm due to Operating room positioning. I am a registered nurse and unable to return to work. The surgeon would not take responsibility for what happened and tried to tell me that it was carpal tunnel. He wanted to schedule me to do a carpal tunnel surgery! I had a bad feeling about his response so I went to see about 9 doctors (3 neuro,homeopathic, my G.P. and a homeopathic) very shortly afterwards to disprove all of his statements. Oh, and 3 neuro doctors said its not carpal tunnel (I knew it!). The reason I did this is because I am on workers comp and he sent a letter to them stating that I was fine and ready to go back to work, when I couldn't even brush my teeth with my hand! You are lucky that your doctor was honest. I have seen dishonesty in the surgical area (my speciality is recovery room) and for all of you who have a bad feeling in your gut about your doctor just go with it and make sure you question them and get educated!! I have digressed...its the medication I take for the muscle spasms in my back (surgery didn't really work well) but Neurontin works for me. I take 1800 day now, back in January when I couldn't use my arm and the pain was worse I was taking about 3600/day. I learned something from your response about not getting carried away with my "good" hand/arm and about that nerve stimulator. I am glad that it helped you, I am sad to see so many people in pain, after going through this site.
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Re: Neurontin

Post by hdcrash »

hey just thught id let you know that i was maxed out on the stuff at 3200mlg a day and tried to ween myself off of it i went all the way down to 400mlg a day and had to go back up to 600mlg i didnt think it was working but know realize it was working a little bit side effects are drowsiness and light headed for me
Karl w/ a K
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Re: Neurontin

Post by Karl w/ a K »

First time responder. I've been taking neurontin and vicodin since 2 weeks after my bpi. I was able to get off vicodin recently( its been 13 months since my bpi). The neurontin helps me, but their are side effects. Memory loss and slowed speech response just to name two. But I am a just a newbe in the bpi community. To be successfull , seek out those who are having success, and get their advice. Good luck.
Karl w/ a K
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Re: Neurontin

Post by admin »

I have just been put on Neutontin and I was looking for information as to how this drug has helped people. When I read your posting you said that you were also on amitriptilene.I have been on it for about 5 years. I was put on it to relieve the sever burning from the nerves in my feet dying. I was diagnosed as a diabetic in 1995.I went for a year and a half of no sleep and was not able to work all the time so I was missing a lot of work due to no sleep and severe depression.I developed several foot ulcers which ultimatley healed.But in June 2002 I suffered from a blister on my big toe from wearing sandles all day at an amusment park. To make a long story short, I ended having my big toe then part of my foot amputated. During all of this I have sufferd from Restless Legs Syndrome which has been almost as disabling as my surgery and infections. I took Klonipin for a while but it didn't always help and I felt like a zombie. I went of of it. During all my treatments I have had lots of home health care. One of my ladies told me to ask my Doctor about Neurontin. So I did and he has started me on 100 mg 3 times a day. I think it is helping some but I did have a restless night last night.I will go on higher doses eventualy. Right now I hope this is my "wonder drug". I am so tired of pain, depression,restlessnes, anxiety,sleep deprvation, mood swings etc... Reading you posting gave me hope. I hope you continue to do well. Write me anytime. I am homebound so I depend on my computer a lot.

Victoria Cabe