Okay, I read about someone that was pregnant again after BPI and everyone was saying that she should have a C-section. I am in the same boat and trying to come to a conclusion of what I want to do as well. My concern is not whether or not I want a C-section but what the recovery time is. Can you guys give details of what the healing process is like? I mean, I don't have a family and my husbands family is poor and they live in Chicago while we live in San Diego. My husband can't take the time off and we already have a little one who just turned 1 y/o. I wouldn't be able to take care of a newborn and a toddler while trying to recover from a C-section. Can you guys touch on this too?
Personally, for me the c-section was easier to heal from than the ripping and tearing I had with the birth that inured my son.
It took about 2 weeks to get back up and around. If I was you I would cook some casseroles and put them into the freezer for use after the baby comes.
Also, the women from my church were wonderful to me after I had my c-section. They brought dinners in and offered to help me clean house, go to the store etc....
I think you need a support like that. I have also done my share of cooking meals for other moms too and it is nice to have that proxy sisterhood with other women who can help each other through stuff.
A c-section isn't as scary as it sounds. It was pretty easy....the hardest part is the first 3 or 4 days. Best of luck to you!
I was in hospital care for 6 days after my vaginal delivery, but stayed 12 days because that's how long my daughter was in the ICU. I was still in a wheel chair at day 9!! 3 weeks after my discharge, I was back in the hospital because I was in so much pain I couldn't walk. 6 weeks, I was still sitting on a seat cushion, 6-9 months I started not feeling pain at certain points throughout the day.
With my c-section, the anesthesia wore me out the day of the delivery (see previous post), the incision site felt funny (nothing compared to a 4th degree episiotomy though), the incision was tender and I felt tingly pain when the nerves started to reattach and when the hair started growing back (felt like a band-aid tugging on the skin). As far as recovery of getting back to normal, for me I felt COMPLETELY normal within 2 weeks (except a little numbness and tenderness at the incision site). I did forget to take it easy, so I bled longer than I should have (about 8-ish weeks). My dd had just turned 2 when I had my baby. My mom was out for about 3 weeks including my hospital time, and really wasn't as much help as I thought she'd be. I was quite ready to be on my own by then anyways. My dh didn't take more than 2 full days off of work. I actually found it MUCH easier the second time around, despite having another to take care of. I will say though, baby #2 was/is a very easy-going baby.
I know how you are feeling. I just had a c-section in May with my 3rd child. To me, the c-section was a much easier recovery than all the ripping, tearing, emotional turmoil ect. from the last time around. I too have no famiy near by. And have other small children to care for ages 3 and 2. But I assure you it can be done. If you do try to do too much though, you will bleed a long time as I did. But it is so worth the outcome of a not injured child. Just make food ahead now and freeze it. Then pop it in the microwave. The hardest thing for my girls was the wanting to climb and cuddle on me like usual. I actually showed them my incision so they understood. And they were so great about it after that. Good luck! Let us know how it goes. Heather in KY
Let me just add that there is a huge difference in recovery when you have a planned/scheduled c-section vs. one that happens after your body labors. Ask doctors or Moms who have had both and they will all tell you that the planned section is MUCH easier recovery-wise. Most Moms I know that have had the planned sections were up and around in less than 2 weeks (vs. me in 2 months for a section after laboring). The Moms I know who had planned sections were able to care for their toddlers pretty much right away. Good luck!
My first c-section was not planned and although the surgery went well, recovery was hard. The pushing they did to my stomach afterward was very painful, but I recovered in about 2 weeks. My second section on the other hand was totally different. This one was planned and I thought should be easier...WRONG. In recovery the nurses pushed on my stomach to hard and caused a muscle to bleed and then clot. I had a big not on the left side of my stomach that hurt even when they did not push. I am once again pregnet and am scared to death! It took me 2 months for the swelled muscle to heal.
A support group is something that would be wonderful for you. Since I had my bpi baby 4 months ago, I've needed lots of help. I HATE to ask for help and prefer serving others. Yet, there is a time and a season when it's good for others to receive blessings from serving you. If your interested you can e-mail and I can try to find some women in your area to help bring meals in to you after you have your baby and help you out in other ways. The first month may be tough healing and dealing with the hormone changes. Good luck! When is baby #2 due! Congragtulations, you'll love having your kids close together in the long run!
Crystal momaof4@cox.net
First of all, congrats!
The earlier post with the idea of cooking ahead and putting in freezer is a great idea. I had 2 children naturally - the second with BPI and the last was c-section. I have to say that the recovery on the 3rd was a lot easier than the first 2. I would say about 2 weeks or so I was pretty much at full recovery. I only had a little tenderness in the incision area. The hardest part was the first week after the surgery. When they took the staples out wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It really just felt like someone pinching me. Overall - I would have to say the c-section was the easiest delivery and recovery of all 3.
I had my mother-in-law to help me out after my last one, so it wasn't too bad. If you decide to go with the c-section, you could probably have people from nearby churches help out. You might check to see if there are any other programs or groups that might be able to help you also.
Terri McCathern
I had a c-section 4 weeks ago and I thought it was alot easier than my 1st "natural" delivery. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days and took pain killers and then when I was home I never took another one. My Ob said it really depends on your pain tolerance. He said some women are fine when they leave the hospital and others need a good 3 weeks to recover. Gas pains have been an issue with some of my friends who had c-sections but not me. Good Luck