Bending the arm

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Posts: 34
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:24 pm

Bending the arm

Post by Layne »

I am so amazed at the progress we have seen from the mod quad! Ian is now lifting his arm up and out to the side! He could not do ANYTHING before. I would give Dr. Shenaq a great big kiss if he were here!!!! The one problem area is his elbow... he cannot bend his arm and it is painful for him when we do it. We are trying to find a splint that will help with the bending, but are not having a lot of luck. We contacted Dynasplint and they do not make any small enough for Ian, he is long and skinny, weighing in at 17 lbs. They also do not make any that help the arm to bend. Our therapist contacted a Dynasplint rep... Does anyone have any experience with this? We have got to figure out a way to loosen up this elbow. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! I hope everyone is doing well!
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Re: Bending the arm

Post by Francine_Litz »

Layne - how about massage therapy - someone who can do myofascial release? (heat the arm first with a little hot pack) (just warn them about dislocation risks in the elbow)... I hate seeing little ones with those heavy dynamic splints on - it worries me because of their shoulders. I will always wonder if Maia's dynasplint caused her first dislocation - she slept with it with her arm cocked behind her.... I will never really know for sure.

good luck,

(do you live near philly? you can bring him to me if you do)

Posts: 34
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:24 pm

Re: Bending the arm

Post by Layne »

I wish I lived near you... I live in Mesa AZ. Thanks for the info... I will see what I can do. I have seen so much progress from the Mod Quad, but we have to get that arm to bend somehow...