questions for ot/pt interview

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questions for ot/pt interview

Post by jennyinsandiego »

Hi all!
we have a consult with a new pt on Tuesday and I am wondering if anyone has any advice on what kind of questions to ask. Anything I should be aware of, positives, warning signs? Thanks in advance,
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Re: questions for ot/pt interview

Post by Francine_Litz »

Jenny - this is a great question and I can tell you about my experience with the "many" therapists Maia has had in her 5 years.

Personality, willingness to learn, compassion, ability to lead but play like a child, imagination - they all play a heavy duty role. I can't say that education plays a great role because Maia has had some PT techs that were way better than the PT with the master's degree. (interesting eh?)

Watch and see. You will know in the first 2-3 sessions whether or not this therapist is the right therapist. How does your child respond to this therapist - it will be very clear.

I do spend time educating the therapists. I bring Outreach's, pictures of Maia, surgical reports, etc. I go through her history - go through the protocol, etc. I have a ZERO TOLERANCE for a therapist that does something wrong - pick Maia up by her arm - pull her arm or anything that makes me want to jump up and grab Maia - do it once and they are POOFed!

Also - in Maia's last therapy group they did round robbin therapy - she had 4 therapists. This turned out to be quite amazing. She was extremely motivated - never got bored - they never got bored. Maia really learned how to tolerate and accept change (I did too). They kept really good notes and each one would take a moment to read the last therapist's notes. I would highly suggest this to anyone.

You will KNOW who the right person is - you will see it in your child's face and actions.

Good luck,
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Re: questions for ot/pt interview

Post by cybermomx4 »

Jenny are you going to Childrens in San Diego for therapy. My son went there 4 years ago. They have some really awesome therapists. I am not sure if they are still there but Roxanne is awesome. Danielle was awesome too but now she is in Germany doing therapy on BPI kids over there. Do you know who you are going to see.....another great ot is Patty Webster over there. She worked my son to the bone, and was so compassionate while doing it !
mom of Brandon
5 year old with ROBPI
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Re: questions for ot/pt interview

Post by jep98056 »

How about a willingness to set up a program of in-clinic and home therapy? What does the therapist think of supplemental home therapy and is there a willingness to teach basic therapy techniques for home sessions?

John P.
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Re: questions for ot/pt interview

Post by jennyinsandiego »

Hi Gayle,
We started and currently use Children's. When we started, the therapist told us (at 3wks) to come back only monthly to check progress. She also (she is who they told me is the bpi expert) told us it could take two years to heal and that I should be careful reading the posts on this board because people here tend to over react. My daughter had three avulsions, I am SO thankful not only that I "overreacted", but for this board and the info I found here, it sure wasn't in too many other places! Our current ot (also with CH) only sees her eo week. And since they are closing our branch, we will be once again working with the "expert." So I am looking for private therapists. BTW it isn't an insurance issue, we are allowed 60 visits a year. Thanks for the suggestions on what to look for. I was talking to Dh this am and asking him how to stop with one therapist and start with another in a nice, tactful way, if they are in they same office and he had to remind me, this is my daughter, bring on mama tiger. You'd think I would remember that after 6 cubs...I'm just tired of the whole mess. oopss this has turned into a rant,
thanks for listening you guys,
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Re: questions for ot/pt interview

Post by christy »

I agree that you will get a gut feeling for the therapist after a few sessions. we had a PTA that did a wonderful job of stretching and working but she and katie just didn't click. She obvioulsy took it wrong and lets the animosity shine through every time we run into her but regardless of that I made the right decision. I feel badly that her feelings were hurt but better that than have katie scream the whole time and fight therapy. She has gone on to develop a wonderful relationship with her current PT, thinks she is our family and I am pretty sure the PT feels the same way about her. And now that the PT has gotten a "new BPI baby" (Katie was six months when she started with this therapist) she seems to be more open for learning which has made a tremendous difference. Ask how willing they are to learn--just knowing what treatments to do is often not enough in my opinion. I feel better if I see them taking an interest and learning ALL the issues these kids have and ways to couteract when possible.