Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

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Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by Julie »

Okay, I was told by another Mom that I should be upset by how my daughter's arm looked after we removed the caps splint today and I am. What I was wondering is how long did it take for other kids' arms to hang better after the splint was removed. My daughter's arm is still externally rotated and she walks around with it out away from her body. She can bring it all the way down to her side if you range it there, but it doesn't stay that way. Plus, she still has to wear the splint at night for another month. It makes me upset to look at her arm because it now looks so much shorter and smaller and because of the way it is hanging. I know that it will take time but I have never claimed to be a patient person! Just wondering how long of a wait I have. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by Francine_Litz »

ohmygosh - nono don't be upset - this is completely normal. It took quite a while for the shoulder to normalize and when it did it looked SO GREAT - Maia had a defined shoulder for the very first time. Just give it time..It took Maia about a month or so maybe a bit more. Can you imagine having your arm in that position for so long?? Everything has to settle in.
I know it's hard to look at but this is part of the post surgical angst we all have to go through. It will be ok - you'll see.
Big hugs,
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Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by christy »

It takes a while doesn't it Fran? Remember when katie had mod? I was freaking out because her arm would not come down, not even ranging, for the longest time. I think we were all online 24/7 trying to get me through that. I know I called NY at least five days a week--what is Bianca's arm doing Kathy (another family same day, same surgery) and she would describe Katie's arm to me...Shoot, it has been about a year and a half and she still keeps it up and out most of the time. The muscle tone (what they have) becomes so weakend in the splints (just like a cast!) and it takes a while. Hang in there and it will start hanging more normally and start coming down. One thing we have found recently has been the "hot tub". Katie's arm just starts stretching out....nice and long after just a few dips. (Try a warm bath or heated pool.) We got approval before allowing her in there and we watch the temp and a very limited amount of time at one sitting. She loves it...begs to go to the Y every day and runs the old men out because they are petrified she will pee while in there! I don't even speak up and tell them any differently 'cause I enjoy it just us two as well!
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Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by Francine_Litz »

I'm sure if I look through my journal I'll be able to tell you exactly how long it took.. I know it was a while... Dr. Pape said if you're immobilized for two months then figure double it to re-strengthen the muscles.

I also know that Maia's shoulder looked AWFUL when the splint came off.. she had NO shoulder..she looked like a 90 year old woman hunched over... actually I do have pictures of that... her arm was swollen..oh it was just terrible...but when it was better it was REALLY great and like I said - it was the first time she ever had a "shoulder definition".


Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by Kathyb »

I have a question Conors arm while i range him can go down but when ranging up he cannot assist at all he had better movement before now i am worried that he will never regain the ability to raise his arm above his head am i crazy and over reacting because its just weak? Help I really wanted to cry last night thanks kathy
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Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by Dean-na »

Hey! Since I am new to all this (that is sad, since I am the one with the ROBPI) what exactly is caps? I don't want to sound stupid, but the more I learn the better off I will be.

There is so much to learn & it is wonderful to know there are others that can help me.


Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by NancyP »


I e-mailed Dr. Nath after Kelsey's caps surgery. He told me that some kids take up to 6 months to hold their arm in a natural position. Kelsey took months, although I don't think it was 6.

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Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by Julie-work »

Thank you all for the information and reassurance. I knew I could count on everyone! My daughter's PT came today and said that she was pleased with how much my daughter wanted to use her arm and hand. She said that her arm has come down a little more than yesterday so that is good. The main problem is that she can't bend her elbow so whenever she picks up something in that hand and she tries to bring it to her mouth her wrist bends down. Her wrist was already weak so this isn't helping matters, but we started NMES again on the forearm to help that. I guess we all just wish that things would happen quicker with our kids' recoveries, but we are all in it for the LONG haul! Thanks again.
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Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by Francine_Litz »

Julie- check with the doc about the NMES... I thought we had to wait until the splint was off at nighttime, too in order to start NMES (strengthening program)...
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Re: Arm Appearance After Caps Splint Removal

Post by christy »

Deana: the "caps" we speak of is actually a capsulodesis, repair of a dislocation. It tightens up the joint, allowing less chances of dislocation and keeping the head of the humerous up where it is supposed to be within the joint. There is major deformities when the kids are dislocating and this is in hopes of preventing that. Before caps Katie's shoulder started sloping, like it was melting down her arm. And she started losing ROM as well which in turn led to more get the picture. This is also a common surgery on adults with a torn rotator cuff or chronic dislocations in the shoulder. It could be that if you are dislocating this may help the pain but I don't think it will correct any deformities already created.