New Doctor

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 9:05 am

New Doctor

Post by RhodaJ »

Hi, I usually post on the TBPN board but I wanted to share with you . I saw a Dr. Allen Maniker in Newark, NJ on Monday. He is with the Peripheral Nerve Center. I am three years post trauma and all the doctors that I have seen in the South Jersey area have told me that I just have to wait and see what happens with my injury. Nothing could be done...but wait and see. Dr. Maniker assured me that something could have been done, if I had seen him within three months after the accident. He will be a guest at the UBPN camp, and if you are going there, please , try to see Dr. Maniker. I was very impressed with him. He is patient, kind, caring and very knowledgeable about nerve injuries. He will be most interested in talking with everybody there at the camp. Just wanted to let you all know. Thank you, RhodaJ
Kathleen M

Re: New Doctor

Post by Kathleen M »


Thanks for sharing this information. I am glad you had a good visit and feel as if the doctor was listening to you. I am sorry that so much time has passed and there is nothing they can do for you... I wish you had help sooner

Posts: 671
Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2001 10:14 am

Re: New Doctor

Post by PeggyF »

Thanks Rhoda, for the info!

I'm sure that people in the NJ area will be glad to know that Dr. Maniker there.

Rhoda, will you be going to camp?

Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 9:05 am

Re: New Doctor

Post by RhodaJ »

Hi Peggy, No, I won't being going to camp. Only because I made plans last February to go to Las Vegas to babysit for my daughter's 6 year old twins. The plane tickets and reservations were made months before I knew the camp dates. Hopefully, I will be able to go next year. But, if you are going, don't forget to look up Dr. Maniker. RhodaJ
Posts: 671
Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2001 10:14 am

Re: New Doctor

Post by PeggyF »

Ah, well enjoy Las Vegas and the twins. That should be fun.
Yes, I am going and will be sure to meet Dr. Maniker.

Hope to see you at the next camp!
