Dear Cathy
Dear Cathy
Hello! I just discovered your Web site and wanted to ask when exactly is this camp? If there might be a way I could make it, is there still a possibility to ask for sponsorship as on my own I could not come? My 15th month old son has robpi. I have 2 other kids as well, ages 8 and 5. Thank you!
Re: Dear Cathy
Hi Judith,
I'm so pleased you found the UBPN Website. I wish I had better news for you, but we must adhere to the deadline, as we've received several applications for sponsorship and we feel in all fairness, we need to respect our deadline for all involved.
With this said, it was suggested that perhaps you could do what others have done in the past, and that is that you might consider initiating your own fundraiser of sorts in your home town/work environment. A car wash or bake sale, or even receive support through a local business that might be able to sponsor you and your family to come to camp. This has worked in the past for a few families and it's worth a try.
I hope you find a way to get to camp. It would be a pleasure to meet you and your family.
All the best,
I'm so pleased you found the UBPN Website. I wish I had better news for you, but we must adhere to the deadline, as we've received several applications for sponsorship and we feel in all fairness, we need to respect our deadline for all involved.
With this said, it was suggested that perhaps you could do what others have done in the past, and that is that you might consider initiating your own fundraiser of sorts in your home town/work environment. A car wash or bake sale, or even receive support through a local business that might be able to sponsor you and your family to come to camp. This has worked in the past for a few families and it's worth a try.
I hope you find a way to get to camp. It would be a pleasure to meet you and your family.
All the best,