Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Khiron's Krew
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Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Khiron's Krew »

I placed a call to TCH yesterday (left a message) because at first I was overly concerned about Khiron returning to daycare with his splint. Now with all of his running about, jumping onto and off of his bed, diving off of the sofa or step stool, and wrestling with his almost 3 yr old brother--I am overly concerned about his returning to daycare WITHOUT his splint!

What are the major concerns I should have when Khiron returns to daycare without his (now I know, protective) splint?

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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Francine_Litz »

I sent Maia with a splint for an extra two weeks until I felt her arm was stronger and no longer pained by not having it on... Play it by ear. Safety is paramount especially post surgery. Trust your gut - you will see and you will know when the right time is to go solo to school.

When you take the splint off, try to get Khiron in some nice hot/warm water (pool or bath)... his arm has been in position like this for a loooonnng time. Can you imagine if your arm was like that and all of a sudden it was let out? Ouch! And that's just from positioning...nevermind the surgery itself. So many muscles were released and moved around..it'll take time for everything to get used to being where it is.

It's easier than my explanation- you will know for sure when it's time.

big hugs,

Ps yes here I am giving you all this advice and who is scared to death of desplinting Maia?? ME!!! cuz she has two joints involved and well I am scared to death! lol
Khiron's Krew
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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Khiron's Krew »

Thanks Francine for your Faith in my decision making and gut. :o)

I was so concerned with Khiron not going to daycare with his splint that my husband just went back to work yesterday while his Mom came from NY so Khiron could stay at home this week. Next week he will return to daycare and his OT will resume.

Tonight after his bath, but before we put the splint back on he was touching the top of his head!

Thanks for the encouragement.
Khiron's Krew
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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Khiron's Krew »

I read earlier Maia was reinjured at camp. Please tell me more.
Khiron's Krew
Posts: 21
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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Khiron's Krew »

Francine, read the clarification of the " camp injury ". Thanks.
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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Francine_Litz »

TOUCHING THE TOP OF HIS HEAD!!! wowowwowowowowow!!!!

this is GREAT stuff!!!

touching the top of his head and see if you can motivate him to start thinking of touching behind his head... this is the movement necessary to create a better socket

that is just great news and so soon!

you must be jumping for joy!!
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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by momofnickelman »

I thought mod quad splinting was 4 weeks? I know you had surgery the same day as my Nicholas so next week is only week 3. Did they change their protocal for Mod? Glad to hear he touched his head! I bet he was surprised to feel his hair. Best wishes.
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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Tammie »

You're right Georgie. When we had our evaluation on the 19th Dr. Nath kept saying 3 weeks. I knew it was 4 weeks from all other info. I asked the Lisa's if it had changed and she said leave it on for 4 weeks 24/7 and 4 weeks just at night. I saw this on another posted and replied back for them to double check with Dr. Nath about the 3/4 week rule.
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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by LisaL »

I think the 3/4 week rule is based on the child's age. If they are under 2 they have it on for 3 weeks. It might be 3 years old and under. I know if they are 3 it is 4 weeks. Hannah had the MQ in November and she was only 12 months. She had the splint for 3/3.

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Re: Week 4 - Post Mod Quad

Post by Tammie »

Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know that.