Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by admin »

I'm a new mother with a son with a BPI. I'm tired of all the sad news these websites offer. I believe God can heal my son and anyone who desires to believe with me, please contact me @ I believe God will completely restore my son's arm without surgery and I want to pray and believe for the same for your child.
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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by admin »

as i continue to pray for my child i have also relied on the medical resources. your faith is wonderful however i can not help but think of the joke. there was an area that began to flood and there was a man who had faith that God would save him so he stayed behind. eventually the sherriffs came to his door to help him leave, "no the Lord will save me" and he remained. later as the flood waters began to rize someone came by boat and again the man said no the Lord will save me. the flood waters continued to rise and again someone came this time by helicopter to save the man again he said "no the Lord will save me" soon there was no where to go and the man said Lord why have you abandoned me in my time of need, and the Lord replied, first i sent a car then a boat and finally a helicopter why did you not get on?
i just hope that you are not forgetting that all things come from God including the medical teams that might heal him/her. God Bless
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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by Dean-na »

I am sorry to hear about your baby, but I don't think this website is a site that gives sad news. This website helps people understand more about our injuries (whether it's a child your writing about or yourself)I have learned so much from the people here.

I ABSOLUTELY believe in God & his miracles that he gives us each & every day.

I pray for you & your baby. I would also suggest that you read what some of these wonderful people have to might just help your out look on things.


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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by jennyinsandiego »

I am sorry that you had to have a reason to find these websites. The stories are sad but also full of hope and rejoicing both for our children and for the children of others. We are leaving for our second surgery on Sunday and while I too pray for recovery, I also know that God can and does work through mere humans. Our prayer request is that God is there with the surgeons as they operate. And that He holds these little ones in His hands as they recover and grow. I am glad you posted. We will pray for your precious little one-
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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by Francine_Litz »

When bad things happen, we sometimes look to God for help. When Maia was about to get checked in for her 1st surgery, it was then that I learned about prayer. I prayed so hard that day. And when she arrived into recovery room alive and well, I prayed even harder to thank God.

My relationship with God and the people on this message board is what's gotten me through the past five years. I believe that God works directly through my daughter's surgeons hands and this incredible man has been put here in our path to help our children.

Even the tiniest of movements have brought great rejoicing to our family. We pray prayers of gratitude every day and that is also why I continue to frequent the message boards... to give back.
Every night Maia and I pray for other children and we will include your little one as well.

I hope that in time you will feel comfortable enough here to share your journey with us.

Karen Hillyer
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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by Karen Hillyer »

Amen to that Francine- I'm with you all the way on this thread
Karen xx

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by CompleteRestoration »

my appologies if i have in anyway offended anyone on this website ..i thank everyone for there replies and respect everything that was said
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Teen aged home birthed son with OBPI
Location: Fort Pierce, FL

Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by marymom »

what a beautiful thread.
GOD is often not understood the same way even by 2 people, but I am sure there is a divine plan at work here on and off of this message board, and for those who choose surgery and for those who do not.
blessing blossoms, marry
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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by LeeAnne »

I pray for healing for my daughter everyday and I believe she is getting it. I believe I was led to the doctors and therapist in her life , for nothing , not even this injury is by chance. Yes it is a shame that it happened. Some may think we are limiting God by trusting in man. I believe if God wanted to heal everyone he could,BUT I also believe he has given us all we need and will continue to do so and just maybe he has something to teach us in these trials and he has a reason for it in the childs life that we may never know or may see later on.Dealing with this has made me grow as a christian and taught me things I would never have learned otherwise. It has also given my child a determination that at times I can't stand but I know will be an excellent quality as an adult.

Maybe instead of denial, or then questioning God WHY?, why not do something simple like ask him this simple question.... God what would you have me to learn from this? How can I use it to glorify you and to help others.

You see I am not limiting God. I believe he could spontaneously heal your child, but you must be open to the fact that it may not be his will to do so and if not he will lead you where you need to go, and by finding this site maybe he already has!
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Re: Anyone wanting to pray for healing of their baby's bpi

Post by LeeAnne »

I don't think anyone was offended. Thats part of the reason we are here. We can disagree and still be friends.Isn't that the love God teaches us, to love one another.