Nerve transfer surgery

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Nerve transfer surgery

Post by admin »

I cannot tell you how much it helped my son and I to read about this surgery. Actually DR. NATH will be performing my son's surgery this month, June, 2003. My son was coming home from work on his motorcycle and was hit by a car head on. The car hit his back tire in a curve and pushed him into a guard rail, which his left side took all the blow. Broken collar bone, 9 broken ribs, laceration to spleen, contusion to the left side of brain with bleeding, wedge fracture on the T1 and T8 vertebra, all boney sensors were fractured as well, C4-C8 nerves were torn from spinal cord....ALSO he has Horners Syndrome..does anyone know if that will heal? Dr. Nath is hoping for 70% recovery from the brachial plexus surgery, but we were worried about when you take a nerve away from other parts of your body, will it recover and not be disabled? By the way, the driver that hit my son left him on the side of the road, hit and run, so this has been financially hard on both of us. Any suggestions, comments will be appreciated. Thank you again for all this information, it has given us hope and he is learning patience. It is a miracle he is alive. It is hard on a young man 22 years old who had his life all together and was enjoying life. Thank you again.
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Re: Nerve transfer surgery

Post by admin »

I am sorry to hear about your son. I was 21 when I fell asleep driving ans crashed my car. Now I have a TBPI (right arm). It has been 2 years since my accident and I am slowly getting my life back in order. HE CAN DO IT!!! I am a full time college student, living with my 2 roomies! I had a nerve graph done January 2002, from my left leg/foot to my right shoulder. My foot was numb for a while and still doesnt have 100% feeling in it, but it'ss not bad at all and TOTALLY liveable!! Good luck to your son!!!
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Re: Nerve transfer surgery

Post by admin »

I am sorry to hear about your son. I was 21 when I fell asleep driving ans crashed my car. Now I have a TBPI (right arm). It has been 2 years since my accident and I am slowly getting my life back in order. HE CAN DO IT!!! I am a full time college student, living with my 2 roomies! I had a nerve graph done January 2002, from my left leg/foot to my right shoulder. My foot was numb for a while and still doesnt have 100% feeling in it, but it's not bad at all and TOTALLY liveable!! Good luck to your son!!!
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Re: Nerve transfer surgery

Post by Bill-C »

Hi Michelle,
I'm sorry to hear about your son's accident. I'm glad to hear he made it out alive after something like that. I am not sure about the Horner's syndrome but I can tell you that the muscles Dr. Nath transplanted the nerves from only lost about 20% function if that. He won't even notice the difference. You are a step ahead of the game having Dr. Nath do the surgery. He is a great doctor.
Good luck,