Joe Joe Is Home

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2003 2:18 pm

Joe Joe Is Home

Post by Tammie »

Hi everyone! Thank you all for making our stay at the TCH "Hotel" really nice. Joe Joe had so much fun that the surgery wasn't an issue (except for removing the tape and pick line). This may be long, sorry. I want to say hello to Sandi and Megan and her Dad. I'm glad about Megan's good news! Hello to Georgie, Nick and Nicholas and thanks Nicholas for sharing your toys with Joe Joe. Thanks to Francine for staying up with me half the night and talking. That was so much fun. Thanks to Gloria and her husband and Austin for letting me and Joe Joe spend the day together before our discharge. And since Austin is our neighbor, they will be able to play together often. I really want to thank Teresa and Michael for being there everyday before the surgery. Michael didn't have to have surgery this time (thank goodness). He and Joe Joe had their evaluations on Monday. Teresa you were a God send for me and I hope we stay in touch! Joe Joe is still asking about you and Michael. Where are they he wants to know.

I hope all your children have a quick recovery! Thanks again for making our bad situation a good one!

Take care,
Posts: 90
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 9:38 pm

Re: Joe Joe Is Home

Post by Julie »


So glad that everything went well with Joe Joe's surgery. It is great that you were able to finally meet the wonderful families that you have "met" on the boards.
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Aug 12, 2002 11:44 am

Re: Joe Joe Is Home

Post by momofnickelman »

Glad to know you guys are home safe! How is big sister doing? I bet she was glad to see him. Nicholas still talks about Joe Joe and Maia with the same "cool splint" as him.
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:59 pm

Re: Joe Joe Is Home

Post by admin »

Hi Tammy. Today is the first time I've been on this site for many many months. I'm glad to hear all went well after Michael and I left. Yes, let's stay in touch. I'll try to call you this week. Give Jo Jo a big hug from Michael and I. We think of you often:)
