How to get support from schools?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by smorgan41 »

We have our ARC meeting this afternoon. I teach in my son's preschool so his current lead teacher and I have written the objectives with input from his OT and PT. I have to agree with Rich. I'm putting a lot of emphasis on this being a progressive injury and that even though my son can do most any task given him he does not position his body properly to complete it, gets frustrated easily and needs more time to motor plan. I also emphasize to the school staff that our private insurance is covering the maximum number of out of school therapy and that he needs extra attention in school for specific school tasks--such as endurance at writing/drawing, etc. I'm am also going to be talking to them about him entering a gifted program for maths and will be curious as to how they handle that along with the physical developmental delay.

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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by PeggyF »

Good points here! Thanks Rich and Susan.
I'm coming up on Emma's IEP next month and I know that we'll need to come up with more reasons to continue school therapy.
One thing I am adament about is that regardless of private insurance covering therapy, it is still required in school. There are things that come up at school that can be addressed there that wouldn't normally come up in a private therapy class. For instance-balancing a lunch tray--opening the milk carton at lunch.
Body positioning is something we are still working on. Emma leans way over everything in a very odd position.

Oh--a 13 year old here with RBPI just got a "tutor" to take notes for classes and carry books/backpack (different school district) but I found it very interresting and will keep in mind for Emma when/if the time comes.

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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by denise »

I just got back from my daughters school re-evaluation. Needless to say I'm not happy. The school did a huge battery of testing on her, and they came up with an IQ for her of 121 AND I was told not to be suprise if I get a letter from the school wanting to put her into the gifted and talented program next year. SO with her doing so well in school they see no need for further services. I argued she qualifies under the 504 sec, explained about this type injury progressing to deformity w/o services and even gave them two letters from her doctors backing this up. I am so mad... I just don't know what to do now. Sorry this is long, needed to vent a bit. Good luck to the rest of you in this battle.
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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by PeggyF »

Request a mediation immediately. When I requested the mediation we didn't even get to it. The school district suddenly agreed to services for my daughter.
However, if you do get to mediation, you can show the letters from the doctors and get whatever else (therapist statements, whatever you can come up with) to bring to the mediation.

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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by denise »

Peggy I was made to feel like I had to sign the paper, that I agreed. Can I still request Mediation?
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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by PeggyF »

I believe that you still can request the mediation.
Call now and get the info if you don't have it. I think you have to request it in writing. It is one of your rights as a parent. They should have handed you that booklet and the info should be in there on mediation requests.
Remember, you don't have to sign anything you are not comfortable with. That should also be stated in your request for mediation--that you were made to feel like you had to sign/agree.

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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by PeggyF »


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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by denise »

Yes they did the Bruinicks-Oseretsky test on her. It seems to me now, since I've had a chance to really look all the test reports better that alot of the results of the left arm and hand are not marked just the right hand. Naturally she can ace these test with her right hand, she's a LOBPI. an example of one test- Type of grasp- button/coin,paper clip, crayon pencil, smooth and voluntary release of lg objects,voluntary smooth controlled release of all objects. Right hand has a plus score in all areas, compared to only the plus score of the One inch diameter Peg or markers area. You would think that if she could not pick these up with L hand it would be noted. I think I'm going to talk to her OT who is really helpful.
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Re: How to get support from schools?

Post by denise »

THANK YOU BOTH RICH AND PEGGY! I going to get busy right now. I could just kick myself for not being stronger.