
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery

Re: Topomax

Post by angelicamb »

Dierdre McCormick-Yes, the fatigue coincides with the dosage increase. From what I can see here, each person seems to adjust differently to it. Personally, I grew up in the Kaiser system (they tend to overmedicate), so I develop a tolerance fairly quickly and have found that it only takes me 5 days to adjust to the new levels. I am now in my second week at 75 mgs and even the numbness in my feet is beginning to fade. I plan to discuss with my doc staying at this dose until that side effect is completely gone, but you are correct that the fatigue is from the Topomax. Hang in there and give your body time to adjust. Take naps and give it a couple of weeks-you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel once you get used to it (or at least I did!). Also-be aware that one of the side effects many of us are experiencing is sinus pain-I thought my sinus pain was my dust allergy, but it was the Topomax (and it went away too).........
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Re: Topomax

Post by sisabella »

Was on topomax for 1 1/2 years with much success. Lost 40 pounds, and got rid of migraines. Finally had to come off because my hair was falling out. Has anyone else had this problem? Was on 200 mg. daily. have been off for one year now. Doctor trying me on it again on a lower dose. I seem to be having a terrible time with anxiety. snapping at everyone. Don't think I am going to stay on it. I also think my hair is starting to fall out again.
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

hi I'm Bob this a nice broard to post on and hide your name no one post thair name, ante that weird! Bob
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

My wife has been taking Topomax for about 5 weeks now. She is up to 200 MG? a day I think. Anyway, the problem is that now she has missed her menstrual cycle and has begun to lactate. Pregnancy is out of the question as that has been taken care of medically. Has anyone else ever experienced these types of side effects with Topomax.

Re: Topomax

Post by angelicamb »

To: Topmx
I can tell you this: 5 weeks is very fast to get up to 200 mgs, my cycle has been affected by the drug, and TUBAL LIGATION IS FAR FROM 100% EFFECTIVE (I know people who have had their tubes "tied" and gotten pregnant-they say "burning" is more effective). You really should call a doctor...........
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Re: Topomax

Post by Francine_Litz »

Angelicamb - it is really great that you found this topic by doing a search for Topomax... I'm so glad you shared this because what this means is that this message board is really out there for people to have access to and that's great. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us. We are MANY here...not just the people who post - there are hundreds who just come to read so think of the many - not the one.

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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

i just began taking topomax (1 1/2 wk ago)for the same reasons as you with an almost identical history. it seems to be ok - some flushness of the face, slight cloudiness, but i do not feel that it is really controlling the urge to binge, curbing my appettite and no weight loss yet. please keep me posted as to your progress
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

can someone please explain the weightloss? is it due to decreased appetite? i am taking topomax and have been experiencing no decrease in appetite at all and since my legs are sore and aching, i cannot excercise. also, does this side effect go away?
Karen Hillyer
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Re: Topomax

Post by Karen Hillyer »

Yes your hair WILL fall out on this drug and I think the weight loss is because of the liver damage the drug causes.
This is A VERY toxic drug and I am astounded at the type and nature of conditions it is prescribed for in the US
as for repetitive strain injury - has your specialist suggested a carpal tunnel decompression ?
this may be worth considering.
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Re: Topomax

Post by admin »

My son (who is now 6) has been on Topomax for a little over a year now for seizures. He was also diagnosed with Autism. In the beginning he was on a mixture of Depakote and Topomax. He was not talking, and seemed distant. We took him off the Depakote and he started talkign up a storm. His last EEG was in January and he is siezure free. My concern is that we are keeping him on the Topomax for another year to see if he remains siezure free. He isnt really able to express himself much to inform us of any side effects that may be ocuring to him.I have however seen on other message boards where parents notice that their child (mostly boys) when on Topomax, have stopped sweating. My son does not sweat at all. He overheats very very fast. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this happen. The drug has worked wonders for his siezures, now we are scared what else it may be doing to him. Feel free to e-mail me.