Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by orabshire »

It wasn't easy, but we are sooooo happy that our insurance finally decided to approve us to go to TCH. We were so worried that they were going to keep sending us to Doctors who do not have much experience with Erbs Palsy. It was very emotional. Thanks to George at TCH and everyone's support on UBPN for giving me and my family strength.

I know this is only the beginning of our journey, but I know it will be worth it in the long run.

We are going to TCH get April 27-May 3rd, 2003. Just 1 more week left. We already have our airline tickets and we'll be staying at Holiday Inn.
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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by mom_2x_2002 »

That is AWESOME news!!!! It's just a big relief when insurance matters are taken care of. I hope all goes well with Owen at TCH. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by PeggyF »

That's great! I'm glad that George was able to help you and that your insurance company approved you. I know that is a big headache and concern, but one weight lifted.
Please keep us posted on Owen.
Take care!

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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Francine_Litz »

Well way to go!! Wow - that is just great news! We'll keep you guys in our prayers.

Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Kathyb »

That's great news!!!!! I am so happy for you I know what pressure you were under!!! Well now our families can begin our journey together we will see you and owen at TCH. We are scheduled for surgery on Monday the 28th see you there!!! Kathy, Tom and Conor
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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Ruth »


That's great!! I know you will be in good hands.
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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Allison »

Good Work!!!! Way to go!!! George is the man! Owen will be in good hands at TCH. We will keep you and Owen in our prayers.
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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by admin »

That is great news. I will keep you guys in my prayers. Hope everything goes well.

Melissa & Allison
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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by orabshire »

Thank you all sooo much. Did any of you go through the first surgery yet? How did your babies cope with it? Where they the same aferwards?

Owen is such a happy boy. He smiles all the time and rarely fusses. It makes me so sad to know that he has to have surgery. I'm enjoying every minute I have with him this week.
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Re: Owen Insurance Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by sunflowers »

We're so happy it worked out!
good luck