Jocey's Gracilis Muscle is alive!!!!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Jocelisse's Parents
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2001 8:48 pm

Jocey's Gracilis Muscle is alive!!!!!!

Post by Jocelisse's Parents »

Today we went to the TCH to make two new splints for Jocey one for her elbow and another for her hand she can't bend her wrist because is too stiff and now she have to wear this new splint all day.

We expend the whole day at the TCH. This afternoon we meet Dr. Aloysia Schwabe she replaced Dr. Nelson she is nice too! Jocey didn't use the Emla cream and didn't made a complaint she said it feels like a mosquito bites. Well she did the EMG to the Gracilis for see if the muscle is alive and it is!!!!

Now I have to wait until she write the report this Tuesday and we will go back maybe next Friday to see Dr. Shenaq and ask him the main question: If the muscle is alive why her fingers are not able to move?

I will post after I go to visit Dr. Shenaq next week. Hugs to all,

Posts: 3656
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 12:52 pm

Re: Jocey's Gracilis Muscle is alive!!!!!!

Post by francine »

Well Ivelisse - this is good news. At least one piece of the puzzle has an answer. I hope all you get is more good news.
see you soon,
Posts: 538
Joined: Fri May 10, 2002 8:10 pm

Re: Jocey's Gracilis Muscle is alive!!!!!!

Post by LeeAnne »

Good news!!!! I'm so glad for you. Keeping Jocey in our prayers.Keep us updated.

Re: Jocey's Gracilis Muscle is alive!!!!!!

Post by NancyP »

That's great news! I am so glad that it didn't fail. Kelsey is facing this surgery too. We are waiting for Dr. Klebuc to review her EMG and NCT results to see if she needs the intercostal nerve graft first. I will look forward to reading your post after you see Dr. Shenaq. Hugs to both of you!