Dentist Appt

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Dentist Appt

Post by admin »

Just want to say that there are some good ones out there. Sounds like they are hard to come by, but let me share my experience in case it sparks some questions to ask potential dentists.

I took my 2.5 yr old for the first time. I talked to the Dr. at length about my daughter's injury and experiences with dr's since her birth...specifically her fear of men in white coats since her surgery. She was so gentle when she approached Caitlin, had Caitlin watch the other kids getting their teeth cleaned for awhile, let Caitlin sit on my lap, didn't push the teeth cleaning, let Caitlin roam when we were talking, it couldn't have gone better (except for the fact that Caitlin has major teeth problems, but that's another story!!. There was just one room where the kids get their teeth cleaned - all the chairs were lined up in a row...and totally open to anyone who wanted to be there.

Caitlin did fuss when the dentist had to keep her mouth open to count her teeth, and do a baseline. The dentist was firm, but kind, in explaining what she was doing, and QUICK in doing it. She made sure to talk to Caitlin when it was over to build that rapport and even got Caitlin's consent to come back and see her!

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Re: Dentist Appt

Post by admin »

Thank you all so much for your replies. I never expected to read such horror stories, but I'm glad that I foundout now. I wrote a 2-page letter that I will send tomorrow. I don't necessarily suspect them of wrongdoing, but ever since my daughter's injury occurred, I have less trust in medical professionals in general. I'm glad to know that I wasn't just being an overprotective Mom who was overreacting. Thank you for your reassurance.