
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Amputation...

Post by Andrew »

Thanks for the replys everyone! Dan, the link you provided was particularily useful. I will update you all when and If I get a surgery date ;) . I imagine with it being an elective surgery I will be waiting some months... this will give me plenty of time to think things through.

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Re: Amputation...

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

IAM thinking :roll: -When a doctor says will be taken your arm of tomorrow does that doctor Ever think of having,That person see a BPI specialist before a amputation? :shock: :roll:
I have a Great example- ANG- Outcome Post and others GOOD outcome :shock: Has the person really been seen by the right doctor even for the Pain issue or ability or ways to adapt ;) The Pain issue Is huge on why you might want a Amputation,i think :roll: But if you were not sent to the right doctor for the right med , I am mine full that I never found a good med for Nerve stretch, Now either arm Ever-- :twisted: :roll: but By Post Some Do?? Go figure ITS great it Happens :shock: ???? ITS OUT THERE???? :roll: One of the Worse thing to Me is not being sent to the right doctor when they know or should know the Time Line- Oh I understand how a person Gives up and wants a Arm OFF it Could be lack of True direction In Time :shock: MAYBE??? :shock:
WHO Knows???? :roll
You have come a long way, you try to Overcome ;) You have gone far in trying and did things you could fine to do IN-SPITE of your limitation :shock: ;)

Sorry , I am still Pitching for getting you on the list, BBUt , I all- so HOPE :roll: You post questions here, There is a lot on the min by post and people posting sport and how - Tos ;) Adapting is a on going issue it has rewards and failures in life :D , Sometimes you can get answers ;) JUST ASK :shock: :D

We will be right here- Ok thats ET :D :shock:

I know??
Mr Positive I will never Change :D
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Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:47 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 6/12/10 avulsion of several roots due to motorcycle accident. So far I've
had two nerve transfers: intercostal to biceps and spinal accessory to
superscapular. The superscapular is working, holding my shoulder in place so I don't have to wear a sling all the time, and I can 'lift' that arm a few degrees away from my body. The bicep is firing but not enough to flex, yet.
Location: Palo Alto, CA

Re: Amputation...

Post by thebrain »

It sounds like I'm a couple years behind where you're at, but certainly on a similar path... It's been almost 2 years since my accident, I had the surgeries for supraspinatus (works) and bicep(just started noticeably tensing when I breathe), and I'm on Gabapentin, Amitryptiline, and a muscle relaxant which I haven't been taking recently. Oh, and I drink too much. Sue me.

Anyway, I think about getting my arm off for all the reasons you listed, and honestly, the biggest reason I haven't yet is that I think I'm more able to 'pass' with an arm that doesn't work than I would be without it. That is to say, as many questions as you may get about that hand in your pocket (and I do the same thing, but honestly have never been asked about it), I bet you'd get double the curiosity from people about your missing arm. I think about it every time I get dressed and have to thread my arm through long sleeves, and when my coats and sweaters get off-kilter and look sloppy - but I think I'd be even more bothered by pinning up sleeves or having to modify clothes so that I didn't have an empty sleeve slopping around.

So that's where I'm at with it, and it has nothing to do with pain, worries about burning myself or getting frostbite, the inconvenience when I'm hiking/biking/snowboarding etc...

I'll be curious to hear how you feel about it if you do decide to get your arm amputated, please keep us posted.

Susie Kaye

Re: Amputation...

Post by Susie Kaye »

I have told my story on here several times, so I hope no one is tired of hearing from me. I had my accident 5/12/2000. I have a RTBPI, dead from the shoulder down. After 3 years of dealing with all the issues that came up from a totally dead arm. I got fed up and called an orthopedic Dr. and asked him to amputate my arm. I told him I wanted it off from the shoulder. My pain level is the same but it was down enough that I only need a narcotic maybe two or three times a month. On 8/31/2003 I had the arm amputated. I have never been sorry! It is very freeing. The pain is the same as before. I hope this helps you.


Susie Kaye
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Re: Amputation...

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

HI Susie :D
Thank you for posting,
Now I understand more on Amputation issue. Now Andrew does have someone here ;) :D :D You know There still is Situation ware No treatment or surgeries was offer that help No DIRECTION :shock: to a point :roll: That the only thing left is to Amputate :shock: In some.

In 1950s, Birth Erbs, there was no Treatment or surgeries No nothing :shock: I thought , I Think one handed from birth, I dont Remember having the use in 2 arms , You Guys do know ;) In the end you will learn to think one hand over time and adapt or have so far :roll: :D That Great !!!! :D Thats why I post HOW-to the best I can :roll: ;) Posting to dos, learning things to do one handed anyway Thousands of post to help . With or without a arm it works out ?????. :shock:
Facts are Facts by to day . Still in these days For some Amputation is the Choice :roll: Because they could not find a true direction for HELPP in TIME!!!!???????? :roll: :shock: I just Dont KNow :shock:

So I understand I think :roll:
Thanks for your post :shock: :D
Posts: 28
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Motorcycle accident Sept 15,2011. R BPI. R Scapula break. 4 Clavicular breaks. T4 & T8 vertebrae breaks.All ribs broken. 4 replaced with titanium ribs.351GRE8
Location: west of Phoenix,Az

Re: Amputation...

Post by billvxii »

Just adding to others comments. I have only been here, RTTBPI, since Sept 2011 but my decision already is if the repair doctors at Mayo, whom I will meet in May of this year, can't get me near to original I will explore amputation cause I am a fixer and with one arm I cannot do that. By fixer I mean builder, repairer of homes and vehicles. I believe that balance would be more difficult for a while but overcomeable. Without carrying this 'lost' appendage I would be able to move faster and with less care of immobile parts. Prostetic? Maybe. Cause for my profession, Respiratory Therapy, I have to pass a CPR course to work. So you aren't alone in thinking about it. You just have to justify it for you.
Good Luck.
Bill Lee
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Left arm totally flail from 2000 TBPI

Re: Amputation...

Post by mjoey »

Just wanted to chime in. I put my hand in my pocket for about 2 months after my accident, then found a seamtress and got them to build/make me some slings. I wear a sling allday long. I can not stand for it just to hang down. my custom slings are longer than regular for they cover up my hand. I have blue ones for my daily job, carhart ones for working at home or in the barn, these are tough, camo ones for hunting, black ones for formal dress, and even a doubled football shirt like material for swimming that way the water drains out when i get out of the water. now to amputation i have thought about it a 100 times but never to do it. Honestly I am affraid of myself and others perceiving me differently. For example it has been 12 years since my TBPI no use of left arm, but I still due everything and even more that I did before, awhile back I was driving down the road when I seen a gentelman with only one arm trying to change a tire, i felt sorry for him, so I stopped and helped him. not even thinking i was in the same boat as him. he never asked about my arm probaly just thought it was broke. i have not ruled it out but for me not right now
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Re: Amputation...

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

Hi Guys, just got back from a dive trip :D WOW!!!
I have been thinking on this after reading the newer post , This subject So goes against my TODOS :roll: The post our GREAT!!!!! :D
Amputation :roll: is what it is , :shock:
I have no idea what it like to think in 2 arms :roll: But in the end with or without a arm you will learn to do thing , try things , you will adapt to what ever you can in spite of the limitation you are left with ;) , You will find joy in trying basically one hand ether way!!! :D , You got to remember thing you can do , when they :D dont :shock: ITS A MENAL THING :roll: to be optimistic, I think :shock:
You know :roll: I was a semi driver with only ability to raise my hand a few inches and I built grasp to hold onto a semi steering wheel between shifts :roll: I retired with 25 years of safe semi driving ACT OF GOD , I BET!!!!!! ;) :D I have a boat load of how to one hand anyway for a person with no arm ;) :D I can only hope????? :shock:

ForEVER , Mr POSITIVE :shock: :D I will always try to detour Amputation :roll: I cant help my self on this subject :shock: You can Bet I am going to post more , maybe it will HELP????You Just never know ;) :shock: :D I can only HOPE??? :roll:
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: C5 thru T1 avulsed on 3/17/2011 in a motorcycle accident.

follow me on instagram @bjennings276

Re: Amputation...

Post by bjennings »

i feel like ill be cutting mine off soon too. i feel the same way about babysitting it.

and if i do cut it off i dont think people will judge me in a bad way, you can make up good stories to seem like a badass too lol
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Re: Amputation...

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

I have a question??
If you have a amputation what happens to your Balance playing in your sports?? :roll:
Interesting things happen with paper work to prove what you say or should I post pictures, A lot of people have posted AWSOME photos?? ;) :Your pictures were AWSOME to you posted-!! :D Your sling arm is your Contour weight for balance :shock: for real-!! :shock: Do you really want to try balancing with out a arm for what sports you do GREAT-!! :shock: :D ;)
Best wishes,Always!! ;)