New injury wanting feedback

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Football BPI Mom
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:51 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My son had a football injury Nov. 20, 2010.

Re: New injury wanting feedback

Post by Football BPI Mom »

Dr. Spinner did my sons surgery. His injury happened in a football game in November of 2010. The first visit to Mayo was February 2011 and the surgery was April 2011. He just went for a follow up visit. He started with limited hand movement but no movement at the elbow or shoulder. He now is able to bend his elbow without any weight. He started moving his elbow at 3 1/2 months which they said was a record. He still does not have any movement of his shoulder but the exam at Mayo lead them to believe he will regain some motion. He continues to have pain that averages a score of 5. My understanding is that he will always have the pain.
The nice thing at Mayo is the multi disciplinary team. Three surgeons performed the surgery. They also have the physical therapist and a pain physician available at clinic visits.
Please let me know if you have any questions that I can help with. If he needs surgery, they say that the best success rate is before 6 months post surgery.
Posts: 27
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:00 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 48 yr male with BPI from auto accident on 8/07/11. Suspected C5-T1 avulsion from early EMG but recently have flexed bicep. Had many serious and life-threatening injuries to deal with first, but am now doing much better. Just had nerve transfer surgery at Mayo by Dr. Skinner to reinnervate deltoid and tricep. Once this is working, we will move on to nerve/muscle transfer for dealing with my hand.
Location: Ohio

Re: New injury wanting feedback

Post by Fred4545 »


You are receiving great advice from these who have been there, and continue the daily battle with this injury. I too had a serious car accident and was ejected. I shattered my pelvis, broke my neck, plus my leg, multiple ribs and TBPI of left arm with suspected avulsion of C5 - T1. Since I had so many other serious injuries and was in a trauma unit, I didn't even know the specific diagnosis of what a TBPI was until 2 months later when I could go home from hospital and begin the search for a BPI specialist. My accident was August 2011.

After considering my treatment options, I went to Mayo and just returned home from nerve transfer surgery by Dr. Skinner and team. For me, they gave me the options I wanted to hear...obviously there are several other high quality surgeons referenced in these discussions. My strong suggestion is to get to an expert very took me 7 months and they said I was close to the end of the window of success. I also very strongly recommend finding a PT that cares and has experience in these injuries. As jmar says, it is imperative to keep range of motion and joint flexibility in shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers, etc even if the exercise is passive ( done by you or PT).

I am 48 but the doctors told me I have a great chance for real improvement because I'm in good shape and I work everyday to protect the motion and strength I have. The battle Is more mental actually for me than physical. I don't know about the others. For me, it's a choice everyday...please understand that your son will have to battle both hard but it is very doable. Use this site for help and let me know if I can help you in any way.

Best regards,
