Mayo clinic

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: TBPI Feb 12, 2006 Right arm dominat affected. Quad accident. Hit by snowmobile. Don't remember much. Multiple broken bones in arm , severed arteries , head injury.
Location: Philadelphia

Mayo clinic

Post by jpixstix »

Hi everyone. I haven't been on here in quite a while. I am going to Mayo Clinic (Minn.) Jan 21-27 for testing to see what/ if any options i have for further surgery. Would love to meet/ talk with anyone who would be there. Looking at Angela's posts and videos its pretty amazing. I am not expecting that, but would love to know if i have any options.

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Re: Mayo clinic

Post by AngelaW »

Hey, I actually have another friend from this site coming to visit me too. Maybe we can all get together. I'll even bake a cake :P Which dctors are you seeing?
I'm glad you like the videos. I really wanted to give a visual idea of what can be done. :)
Football BPI Mom
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Re: Mayo clinic

Post by Football BPI Mom »

My son goes to Mayo for evaluation Feb. 22nd. I am looking forward to reading about your visit.
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Re: Mayo clinic

Post by onepaw »

Isn't that vid of Angela amazing? I am going to meet with her on the 18th ( oh yes, and Dr. Elhassan) so I will miss you by a couple days. I'm feeling a bit ambivalent as I have been through the nerve transfers and several assessments and the pain clinic down there with decidedly mixed results. Nonetheless, I try to look for something new every five yrs or so--give medical technology and technique some time to advance, as we are great candidates for Docs who like a challenge.
Stay on the line and let me know how you do.

Re: Mayo clinic

Post by cristinam »

Man Angela, you are just meeting everyone! Lots of new people have come into life as a result of this :). Angela's video and and Angela herself are both quite amazing :). I just recently got to meet her this past December on my trip up there. I just wanted to wish you all a great trip up there, and good luck with everything. I hope you will hear positive news! :D
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: TBPI Feb 12, 2006 Right arm dominat affected. Quad accident. Hit by snowmobile. Don't remember much. Multiple broken bones in arm , severed arteries , head injury.
Location: Philadelphia

Re: Mayo clinic

Post by jpixstix »

I am seeing the triad of docs. That sounds great about getting together. Especially the cake part!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: TBPI Feb 12, 2006 Right arm dominat affected. Quad accident. Hit by snowmobile. Don't remember much. Multiple broken bones in arm , severed arteries , head injury.
Location: Philadelphia

Re: Mayo clinic

Post by jpixstix »

Finally made it to Rochester late last night. Bad day to fly. I'm staying at the kahler grand hotel.
6:00 A.M. need cofee and bagel or something, then its off to my appointments. I will update post on there evaluation.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: TBPI Feb 12, 2006 Right arm dominat affected. Quad accident. Hit by snowmobile. Don't remember much. Multiple broken bones in arm , severed arteries , head injury.
Location: Philadelphia

Re: Mayo clinic

Post by jpixstix »

First off i must say the Mayo Clinic is a pretty impressive place. I did all the testing and met with Dr. Bishop to discuss my options. He told me that they could do a muscle transfer (grascillas?) to get bicep function. I would not be a good canditate for any finger function because of how stiff my joints are and also not very good ulnar pulse. I would have to consult with Dr. Elhassan about shoulder reconstruction and that would determine what nerves they would use. Dr. Bishop said most likely they would have to use the intercostal nerves for the muscle transfer.It is alot to think about, and i'm not sure if i am going to go through with it or not.
Has anyone gotten this surgery?
If so do you feel it was worth it?
I would love to get more function but just not sure if i want to go through with these invasive surgeries.
It would be greatly appreciated to hear some feedback from someone who has gone through with this.
Thank you everyone for your input.
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Re: Mayo clinic

Post by AngelaW »

Hey. I think you have seen my videos. I've had the nerve transfers and the shoulder surgery (Dr.Elhassan is the guy in both videos) That's the results I've had. If you still wanted tp meet I will be around all week. Just send me a message using the messages function. :)
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Injured 02/01/04 in snowmobile accident; recently turned 21.
Multiple facial, limb, and rib breaks. Only lasting injury is due to left brachial plexus avulsion of C6, C7, C8 & T1. C5 vertebrae fractured, allowing nerve to remain in tact. No sensation in, and minimal movement and use of left arm, except for phantom nerve pains. Whenever the pain sets in, I try to focus on the fact that God allowed me to live and be thankful He is giving me a second chance..
Two BPI related surgeries at Mayo Clinic-Rochester.
1- Right gracilus muscle transfer connected to left bicep and clavicle, intervated to allow elbow bending. Sural nerves taken from both calves for nerve grafting. Partial tibial nerve graft.
2- Fusion of Left wrist and thumb.
Cartilage removed from wrist and thumb to solidify joints with harvested bone marrow from my hip. This surgery has highly improved the functionality of my left arm.
All proper diagnoses and surgeries performed at Mayo Clinic-Rochester.

Re: Mayo clinic

Post by jesseb »

I had a gracilis muscle and sural nerve transfer in January '05. I was past the point of doing the intercostal nerve intervation, but I would have done that in a heart beat if I had the opportunity to get any additional function. I would highly recommend the surgery to you. It is well worthwhile. Dr Shin told me that ‘a little to someone who has nothing is a lot.’
Please contact me if you have any further questions. I live and work in Rochester and would be willing to meet and discuss any questions you have. Best of luck, and God bless! Send me a PM if you have any questions!