Traci -- You were an "early bird" so we had not yet gotten the deposit information listed. It is a $200 deposit due immediately. You can send deposits to Camp UBPN, c/o Richard Looby, President, 32 William Road, Reading, MA 01867. However, we really prefer if you can handle all payments through Pay Pal via our "donation@ubpn.org" email. It just makes our lives a great deal easier.
Sandy -- Yes, you need to select your room and then select the number of adults/children that will be attending. The difference in day price versus stay-on-site price is housekeeping and other incidentals that make up the room. As you can see the room is fairly inexpensive in and of itself.
As to your room, yes the room does sleep five. There are two queen beds and a cot/pullout.
Thanks and hope to see you at camp.