Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by AngieD »

We will be at Mayo on Jan 27th for my daughter's first appointment there.
Andy S
Posts: 37
Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:13 pm

Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Andy S »

We will be staying at the Kahler Hotel or relatives in Mankato. I hope everything goes well for you guys. Our first experience went very well.
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by lawrey »

It would be great to meet you! Or just be a bit of a distraction on surgery day (we will more than likely be there the 26th--is that the scheduled surgery day??). BUT, here's hoping that things take off with Lily's arm and surgery is not needed. How are things going???? Any new improvements??
Andy S
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Andy S »

The results from the EMG / CT mylogram tests have the Dr's believe her C5 has an avulsion and C6 has a rupture. Lily goes in for surgery tomorrow morning. Most likely they will take Sural nerve in her leg and graft her C6 with it. The avulsion will be more complicated, the Dr's educated us about a few options, but will not know until they see whats in there. We have been told she may regain 70 - 80% movement back in her elbow and shoulder. They also prepared us for the potential of additional surgerys (muscle transfer)when she is a toddler. Good luck to Dawn and Angie, drive safe the roads are bad.
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Will be praying for you

Post by lawrey »

Hey! Just wanted you to know we'll be thinking about you, your wife and little Lily tomorrow! Praying everything goes well for you. Not sure if you still have my phone number or not, but call if you need some support! We'll be there sometime tomorrow (leaving here around 8 am) and then all day on Wednesday and will be staying at Kahler.
Amy Clark
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Amy Clark »

How did everything go?
Andy S
Posts: 37
Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:13 pm

Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Andy S »

So far so good. They found two avulsions c5 and 6, but the avulsions were still partially connected to her spinal cord. Through the tests they did not find much or any respones in the the C5 c6. The doc spliced a nerve in her arm and re connected to a nerve in her bicep. They did the same thing for her shoulder, spliced or split the nerve in two and re connected. So in short the c5 and c6 both have two means of potential conductivity. Im not sure if this makes sense how Ive explained but it's pretty amazing. Its amazing also that we left the hospital the next day!! We couldnt believe it. For the most part Lily is smiling and cooing, tonight I think she was in pain she cried for almost an hour, real tears and all. She finally fell asleep.
We will go back in 4 months, by then the doctors think we will see how well the surgery worked. Until then her arm is immobilized for three weeks to let the nerves grow together and we will continue with ROM after that.