bp stretch injury

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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bp stretch injury

Post by angel49892 »

I was diagnosed with a bp stretch injury. I had 2 cases of slim fast(24 to a case) fall on my shoulder. First I had surgery a year ago for tendinitis and bursitis. They shave off one quarter of an inch from my shoulder socket. I have not healed and now they have told me that I probably had this stretching all along. I have had physical theraphy three different times and all it does is irritate it more. I have this lump that gets swelled up worse any time i use my arm on that side. The lump is at the base of my neck. By the end of the day i feel much like a zombie and most people that know me say it shows all over my face. For the most part I have pain all the time, just some days are worse then others. I get stabbing pains up the neck and usally end up with a headache over the right eye. My hand is some what numb and I have muscle aches in that arm. Can anybody relate to the same thing I have. Brenda
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Re: bp stretch injury

Post by admin »

i can relate had a bad fall(well.. the landing really was bad) 7yrs ago and i still have the same symptoms you are experencing..the knot at the base of my neck...the pain, numbness... have been to p/t it helps somewhat..
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Re: bp stretch injury

Post by admin »

has that 24 8 oz cans?
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Re: bp stretch injury

Post by admin »

sounds like you are joking...what goes around comes around , the universe always rights itself
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Re: bp stretch injury

Post by Paul »

it do's !!!!!!!!!!!!! right it self.Paul
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Re: bp stretch injury

Post by Mskath »

I can relate to your injury. I had a stretch injury in Feb'02 during a massage. It was my first and last one too. I was finally diagnosed with tbpi in October 02 after bouncing around from doctor to doctor. I have pain 24/7 in my neck and numbness in my hand (mostly the middle/ring/pinky fingers). I noticed a few days ago that i am also losing control of my fingers as well. I suspect the loss is due to the overuse of my right hand at work. I am doing water-therapy twice a week to keep my muscles lose. I also have had quite a bit of success with biofeedback to eliminate the need for muscle relaxers and decrease the amount of vicadin that I take on a daily basis. I am down from 6 a day to 3 a day. Of course, I have the bad days when I pull out the big guns --- fentanyl, but I rejoice in the good days and try not to focus on the bad ones. Sometimes thats the best you can do.