Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Andy S
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Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Andy S »

Hello everyone, My daughter was born 09-29-09 with complications. Tuesday our Orthapedic Dr finally diagnonsed her right arm as Erbs paralisis. Today we had our first appointment with the Occupational Therapist at the Omaha Childerns Hospital. The Childerns Hospital gave us info on Dr Nathe in Texas, our Orthapedic Dr was going to refer us to the Mayo Clinic. Does anyone out there have any info on either place... We want the best care for her. Thanks for any info, This website is great.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI
no external rotation against gravity, can only go to 90 degree fwd flexion, no hand-to-mouth
1 surgery at age 14 (latissimus dorsi transfer). In 2004, at age 28 I was struck with Transverse Myelitis which paralyzed me from the chest down. I recovered movement to my right leg, but need a KAFO to walk on my left leg. I became an RN in 2008.
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by marieke »

Most parents get more than one opinion. It's important for you to feel comfortable with whoever you choose. Good luck and best wishes to your daughter in her recovery.

Marieke 33, LOBPI
Marieke Dufresne RN
Cole's Mommy
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Cole's Mommy »

Hi Andy,
I am here in Omaha, too!
My son is now 2 ½. His right arm was injured during birth. In his first year of life, we traveled the country searching for doctors, answers and hope. I will be so willing to share with you.
I am so sorry that you had to go searching for support because of your daughter’s injury, but I truly believe that you have found a wonderful place.
It would be great to meet you.
You are welcome to email and/or call me.
tina arvizu
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by tina arvizu »

When our daughter was born we went from Ohio to California to Texas getting opinions. I agree that you must feel you have done everything possible to get the best care for your child. We did end up in Texas with Dr. Nath and have been very happy with him. My daughter age 9 will see him next week for a follow up appointment. I am happy that I check around and got a few opinions. Good Luck.
Andy S
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Andy S »

Thank you all for replying to my post. We decided we are going to start at Mayo with Lilys first visit with a specialist. We are hoprfull Lily will regain some movement. Her shoulder and elbow has no movement, but she has good finger (especially her pointer finger) and wrist movement. Yesterday the OT made a plastic brace for her hand. She normally keeps her hand in a fist curled toward her inner forearm. The brace will help keep her palm open and fingers straight out. The plastic brace is for when she sleep or at night. The OT ordered a nylon fabric brace for when shes awake or during the day. I found it really odd how little our OB, pedritician,orthapedic Doctors knew about Erbs or paralisis. We are learning soo much from websites like this and DR.Nath's site.
Did any of your childern recieve broken bones during their delivery. The DR. Broke Lilys left Humurus (upper arm) to get her arm out past her head. The Doc said they tried for her clavical first but that didn't work?
Andy S
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Andy S »

Just wanted to give you all an update.
Our little girl Lily ,is now 4 weeks old, she is showing some sign of movement in her bicep. Just today at OT she moved her shoulder(first time). The movements are very slight, but we think they will progress.
We have a November appt at Mayo in MN, this will be the first appt with them.
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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by Logan'sMom »

I am glad to hear that your daughter is making progress! We also live in Omaha (Millard area). My son Logan is 5 yrs old and has a right brachial plexus injury. Logan has not needed surgery, but I've heard good things about the Mayo Clinic. We see a specialist here in Omaha, Dr. Ake Nystrom at UNMC.

I hope your appointment goes well!

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Re: Mayo or Dr. Nathe

Post by lawrey »

Just wanted to say Yay Lily!!! Glad things are going so GREAT!!!