Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

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Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by Julie-work »

I am thinking about making a clinic appt. at TCH since my daughter has not been seen "in person" since her mod quad almost a year ago. What have been people's experiences getting the free airfare? How long does it usually take? (I need to know so I can schedule a clinic appt.) What airlines have people gotten the free airfare with? I understand that we can contact someone at UBPN (Tami?)to get a nonprofit org. letter, but do you have to do all the "leg work" calling all the airlines? Is that real time consuming? Just trying to plan ahead. Thanks for any input.
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Re: Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by Tammie »

Julie, go to page 16 and read about airlines tics from jaredsmomdeb. Everything you need is there.
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Re: Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by francine »

Tammie - when you set up your login you can set how many messages to a page you will see so everyone's "page" is different.

So Julie - here's the travel page with all the travel links:


It takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks depending on what airline and how busy they are I would think.

It shouldn't be too hard - we've had so many great reports about the free medical airfare,

good luck,
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Re: Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by francine »

Oh yes - forgot... the non profit letter comes from Tami Schenk at UBPN Wing's Program tami@ubpn.org. Tami will try to help you through the whole process as well. She's great!

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Re: Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by momofnickelman »

Julie, We have used Miracleflights. The contact information is on Francine's travel page. They do all the leg work for you. All you have to do is fill out their forms and give them your dates. It does take at least 21 days but the earlier you call them the better. They try to use the different airline programs and if that doesn't work, they pay for the flight. It is a non profit organization. They are so nice, very caring and extremely helpful.
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Re: Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by jaredsmomdeb »

julie, have to tell you that tammie was great to work with in helping me find airfare to TCH.Tami if you read this thankyou again, we are getting ready , i'm starting to make a list of things to bring for both of us but other wise julie she is here to help and believe me she's does a great job!!! jaredsmomdeb
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Re: Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by francine »

there are two tammie's here....

one tammie - a mom

and tami - a mom and UBPN's Wing's Chairperson


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Re: Experiences Trying to Get Free Airfare

Post by rtbmab91 »

We were able to fly free through Southwest Airlines from Nashville, TN last July. We called the airline and they put us in touch with someone in the Dallas Tx office. We had to provide a letter from our doctor regarding our son's condition and that Texas Children's Hospital was the only hospital that could take care of him. We were only thinking that we would get reduced air fare but they called back (probably within 2 wks) and said they had free tickets for my husband and myself. The reason they are able to offer these tickets is company's that use Southwest build up so many frequent flyer miles and they do not use them and they turn them back in for a tax write-off and Southwest in turn transfers the miles into tickets and distributes them out to causes like ours. Just wanted to share the info that I had. Hope all goes well!