Tips on getting around with one arm.

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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Injured 5/11/86, had just turned 18 yrs old
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Intercostal into Bicep 10/86
Location: Los Angeles

Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by Dan »

I think someone mentioned a rocker knife, I have one my parents bought me over twenty years ago, I think I used it once. Easier for me to just cut my steak with a fork, you can find the grain in meat and cut along it.

So if anyone wants a once used rocker knife, let me know and I'll send it to you.

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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by swhite1 »

Wow! What a response. Do a search on 'what's the one thing?' You will see totally different types of responses.
I think stoic is the word.
This one is so fun. I love it.
First of all, holding your babies feet with your toes???Are you kidding me? You are either double jointed or a gymnast...or both. I can't picture your legs up to one of those baby changing taBles. I've seen those tables. They're like 4 or 5 feet high. What do you do sit on it'?
I just can't picture it. Nevertheless I guess that's a good one?
Hey anyone using your teeth STOP IT! I speak from experience and chipped teeth. I used to use my teeth while doing autobody repair. Now they look like a rum-running hillbilly. Wait they didn't run rum. The rum runners ran rum. Hillbillys ran Moonshine. And if you've ever tried Moonshine...hooo wee.

I'm kidding of course. I don't know the first thing about autobody repair.

The first best thing I have is this blue sticky roll of stuff called Dycem. I had it ordered through PT/OT at the VA and in typical VA fashion they SNAFU'd the order. I asked for about four feet and was delivered a roll of 49 feet. I have blue plastic everywhere. Send me a SASE and I'll send you FOUR feet. Free. You all paid for it...

Please keep the humor running here. If I catch one person going negative I will plug myself into my USB Hub and reach in and slap you silly.
And another can not beat a suicide knob on your steering wheel.
And another thing...Touch N Brush is awesome. Just Google it. You will love it. or just click this,
And another thing y'all are talking food like real cooking. I guess there is more to life than Pop Tarts?
I use my George Forman Grill to cook $14.00 worth of skinless, boneless chicken breasts for chicken salad, chicken 'n rice, chicken samiches. BUT, I never get that far. Me and my girl, who's a real dog..., end up eating it just the way it is and that's alright.
Peace out and mind your peace,
Oh don't forget

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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by Sparrow »

After much grunting, sweating, and swearing, I figured out who to deal with a dress that zips up the back .... usually I just put a jacket or sweater over so you can't tell it's not all the way zipped up. But it was waay to hot for that so I zipped as high as I could, then leaned my butt real harde against a wall to hold it in place so I could zip a bit higher - without pulling the dress up. It had 3 (rassum frassum!) hooks that needed to be done up so I stopped at a coffee shop on the way to the event and I paid a waiter 5 bucks to to hook them for me. Wish I hadn't because at the end of the night I had to undo them and ended up tearing one off. Leaning hard against a wall is proving to be a great thing for belts too. For pants, I thread it trough the hoops before pulling the pants on. But for skirts, dresses and shirts, the lean my hip real hard against the wall - to hold the belt in place, while I grab hold of the other end and finish up. ....kinda hard to explain. To dry off after a shower, I pat, pat, pat what i can reach and then sling the towel around and slap, slap, the rest. Have to careful not to smack things off the shelves though.

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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by RobertRacer »

I for one am from Alabama, so yes I've tried moonshine. Where did you find your suicide knob. I've looked several places but I refuse to use a truckstop 8ball or skull knob. I just want a simple black one.

I dont use the wall, but I find the footboard of my bed or a waisthigh countertop to hold my pants while buttoning them or hooking my belt.
Robert - LTBPI/34/AL - Yamaha meets Ford Expedition....not good.
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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by swhite1 »

Hi Robert.
I am on my second spinner now. They aren't really cheap but they are inexpensive. The one I'm using now has been on for almost a year. They only cost 4 or 5 bucks at O'Rielly's Auto Parts. OR--- ... 74-4270154

I have a lonnnnng bath towel and a regular size bath towel. They both hang from their own hooks(3M type).
I reach for the short one first and towel my face, hands, ears and hair. I then step out to the long one(hanging long-ways) and lean gently into it while grabbing a hold of the corner nearsest the hook with my good hand. Now comes the trick, I unhook it and turn in towards the body(???) of the towel and at about waist high I let go of the previous corner while holding it under my arm and grab the corner opposite the first corner, same side.(length wise)
I don't know if I said this clearly or not. It's easier done than said. Good luck
Peace out,

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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by AngelaW »

I have to say I'm tickled plaid by the enthusiastic responses to my post. I always new I'd be popular one day.....:)
Anyone else have one shoe that gets abnormally scuffed from using it to prop doors open?
Wanna know my secret for making my bed fast and easy?
I invite mom over. Hee hee.
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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by srhykerd »

Angel, You're so bad!!!! That's what my daughter does also and when she has a lot of laundry to fold! You girls are funny!
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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by BruceD51 »

somebody bought me a black & decker jar opener. it's big & clunky but it works great. it will even open jars that my friends can't get open. don't use it too often, but when i need it, nothing else will do
bill de brooklyn
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Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by bill de brooklyn »


Has anyone seen or used this knife? It is called the Ulu, and is from Alaska. I think it is ideal for someone with a BP injury.

It is more than the rocker knife and can be used to cut raw meat and veggies. I've had a BP injury since July 1968.

Carolyn J
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI. I am 77 yrs old and never had a name for my injuries until 2004 when I found UBPN at age 66.

My injuries are: LOBPI on upper body and Cerebrael Palsy on the lower left extremities. The only intervention I've had is a tendon transplant from my left leg to my left foot to enable flexing t age 24 in 1962. Before that, my foot would freeze without notice on the side when wearing heels AND I always did wear them at work "to fit in" I also stuttered until around age 18-19...just outgrew therapy for it. Also suffered from very very low self esteem; severe Depression and Anxiety attacks started at menopause. I stuffed emotions and over-compensated in every thing I did to "fit in" and be "invisible". My injuries were Never addressed or talked about until age 66. I am a late bloomer!!!!!

I welcome any and all questions about "My Journey".
Sharing helps to Heal. HUGS do too.
Location: Tacoma WA

Re: Tips on getting around with one arm.

Post by Carolyn J »

My TEETH ARE my left hand too Brandon, but our UBPN Store on Amazon as great One-handedthings too that I am now adding one at a time...I sure want to have a square cornered sink some day in my "Fantasy Condo" that I keep designing.

Mardelle would you please put your knitting techniques on a video and post a link on these Forums. I've wanted to knit but my left hand is sooo painful holding the kneedles i quit...(before I found UBPN in 2006, FYI)...I'd love to knit again.

Hugs all around...and PLEASE come to CAMP 2010 Y'all!!! 8-) 8-)
Carolyn J

ps...I just saw my new signature I just learn how to use yesterday... :mrgreen:
Carolyn J