Looking for a Attorney??

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Looking for a Attorney??

Post by madysmom »

Hi, our daughter is 2 months old and has a BPI. We are looking into sending video tapes to DR's. This is all so new to us. We were told to look into attorney's. I have no idea what aor how to go about it. We have the birth on tape, which shows excessive force w/ the use of forceps, maybe this is good?? Can anyone give me advice or the names of a good attorney. We are in Az and was told there are not any here?? Please help!~! Thanks so much.
Madysmom. Staci
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Re: Looking for a Attorney??

Post by francine »

About sending in video tapes to TCH - here is the address: http://www.injurednewborn.com/maia/video.html. It's all explained there.

About lawsuits - Staci, it's so early yet to know what your daughter's prognosis is. I'd highly suggest that you just wait and see if biceps comes in - the golden hand to mouth at 4 months. I don't think that an attorney will take a case without knowing what the extent of the injury is.

BUT...a warning to you is that your post might elicit a good share of emails to you from ambulance chasers. Please know that any attorney worth their salt doesn't have the time or need to ambulance chase. So be careful. Talk to families from here in chat or through emails (privately) to find out what attorneys are currently being used and what kind of results they are getting. Contact the AZ bpi support group and maybe they will be able to help with attorneys as well. I think it's Tami Schenk tami@ubpn.org who now runs it? (not sure though)

The one thing you can do that makes a lot of sense is to try and get all your medical records... the birth records..the strips, etc. Put together a notebook where you can journalize the process. Take pictures, videos, keep good records of your medical expenses pertaining to the bpi.

Have you already signed up for Early Intervention? This is a way of getting free or low cost therapy from the state (which is extremely handy especially if your insurance benefit maxes out). http://www.nichcy.org.

good luck - keep on asking lots of questions...

good luck with the video evaluation!

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Re: Looking for a Attorney??

Post by Tami »

Thankyou Francine, yes I am the contact person for the Arizona group, it is also listed on the ubpn website. Thankyou for posting the information. Lisa Muscarella is also helping with our group..we are co-leading the group.

Thanks again,
Tami Schenck
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Re: Looking for a Attorney??

Post by admin »

Write a journal, everything you can remember from day one. It sure helped me when our depo's came along. It is also cool for the kids as they get older to look back on and ponder. !
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Re: Looking for a Attorney??

Post by admin »

We just settled a case in AZ on behalf of our 7 yr old daughter Melissa who suffered a RT BP injury at birth. We used a Law Firm by the name of Dr. Samuel K. Cullan and Asso. They are the one on the back of the white pages. The thing that I liked about Dr. Cullan is that him and his brother both have a medical degree so they new what we were dealing with. If you would like more info on them or the outcome of our case please email me and I will be more than happy to discuss it with you.
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Re: Looking for a Attorney??

Post by madysmom »

Hi, could I get you e- amil address? Mine is Pookieshouse@msn.com, thanks staci, madysmom