deposition/bad memory

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jody o.
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2002 1:17 pm

deposition/bad memory

Post by jody o. »

I'm sure our deposition won't be for some time, as we just served the papers to the doctor, etc., but I have a fear. My memory is TERRIBLE. It's so hard for me to remember the details of my baby's birth. I just know from my lawyer that the doctor's notes (in her opinion) show much negligence on his part. How much do I actually have to testify? I'm very nervous about this part.
Joy in FL
Posts: 357
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 8:36 pm
Location: Georgia

Re: deposition/bad memory

Post by Joy in FL »


I also have a terrible time with my memory. May I suggest that you start writing down, now, what you remember. Add to and take away as things come to you. Talk to your attorney and make sure he knows you struggle with remembering things, especially under stress. Then, practice, practice, practice.

I am sure someone that has gone through a deposition recently can give you some tips for that day.

Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
Left TBI on October 31, 1991