Fainting -non bpi

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome

Fainting -non bpi

Post by Michelle_16 »

Hi there everyone.

Need your opinion here. This year at school i took a cookery class and its REALLY hot in the class all the time and iv fainted often in that class. My teacher said not to worry bcos it was only because of the heat and i got moved closer to the door where it was cooler. however now i jst get black outs when in not in a hot place. Example....this is only 2day! during the night i felt like i was gonna go on fire i was so hot and i was goin to go up and get my up(i sleep downstairs) i remember gettin out of bed and then this mornign i woke up on my armchair in my bed room. My arm chair is cluttered with clothes and brushes and i was on all of that. i dont remember a thing after standin up to go and get my mum. Then 2day when i got to school, i was in Music and i was singing with my teacher when i it seem that everyone was goin slow and i was goin around and around and i got really hot and i couldnt hear(as if i was underwater) then i get blue dots in my eyes even tho they are open and then i was in the school office! This happens most days!!

So i got an emergency appointment with my doctor and his answer to this was....wait for it....i have a short concentration span! C'mon! i have a short concentration span so i completely black out when i get bored in classes....

So what do you think?

Michelle x

PS problem, there is only 1 doctor in my town so to see another i would have to travel and register in another town.
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Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by Tessie258 »

Hello Michelle,
Please have your doctor check your blood for anemia. If you have heavy periods or long periods you may be lacking in iron. You can eat more dark green vegetables(spinach), liver...or you can take an iron suplement. It is pretty common for young girls to become anemic. If you take a a good multivitamin with minerals it should be enough. I used to get dizzy spells a lot when I was younger. If this is something new that is happening to you don't just let the doctor tell you it's an attention thing. I have a son who has attention problems(ADD) and he's had it forever, it didn't just pop up one day.
If your doc won't test you then try taking the vitamin and iron on your own for a few weeks and see if it gets better.
Good luck!

Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by Michelle_16 »

See thats the thing, i eat plenty of vegitables and i take Teen Girl Multivitamins and LOADSA grapes. I jst dont see why the doctor cant even give me a blood test, im terrified of needles but i would bare it jst now bcos its not good fainting at least once a day!

Michelle x
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Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by phaliscak »

You may want to add a blood sugar test to your list. Do you feel better if you eat something? The important thing is you and your mom need to push this Dr. to get the blood work done. What you are having isn't normal and needs to be looked into.


Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by Michelle_16 »

I sometimes get that hungry feelin when uthink ur gonna faint but dont. but this isnt wot this is. Its strange cos i dont know its gonna happen until it does basically and after it i feel hyper as if i could jump about for hours. its the strangest thing!

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Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by francine »

and one more thing to add to the list - you may be losing too much fluid and salt.... here in the states we have a drink called Gatorade - it is sweetened water with electrolytes... basically sugar, salt and potassium. Maybe a drink of this nature - sip it the whole time you are in that hot room - will help?
Karen Hillyer
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Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by Karen Hillyer »

Hi Michelle
Do you get headaches with these fainting spells, could it be migraine?
I REALLY think you need to see the Doctor again - or preferably another Dr - what about the school, do they have a school nurse?, as you have had so many of these spells at school then I am sure they would support you asking to see a school nurse or Doctor.
It is VITAL that you mention the blue dots and the fact that you feel as though you were underwater, these are very specific symptoms and a good doctor would be having them investigated RIGHT NOW !!!!!!
Please please ask your school nurse, she can get you an appointment with the school doctor who can bypass your GP and refer you to a specialist.
This needs to be sorted out as soon as possible.
To help your Doctor, try and keep a diary of when these spells happen and how long they last, if you feel sleepy or woozy after them, make sure you note it down. the more evidence you can supply, the better chance of them finding a proper diagnosis.
Let us know how you get on.

Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by Michelle_16 »

I do get a sore head jst at the top of my neck where it meets my head but thats jst RIGHT b4 i black out! I can go to my school nurse. I dont feel sleepy or rundown afterwards..i feel hyper!!! like i jst wake up and jst talk away to whoever is with me. My music teacher ses when she saw it happenin it was like nocalepsy or sumthin like that where ppl fall asleep but its triggered by somethin...dunno really wot she's on about. but its likes a split second im out 4 or sumtimes its like 5mins and then afterwards i jst go on with my school day as if nothin happend. You know sumtimes i lose focus on ppl like if im lookin at the teacher in class i jst like can see her nemore and stuff.

About the drink francine, i dunno if we have stuff like that here...we have lucozade.

Posts: 769
Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2001 8:15 pm

Re: Fainting -non bpi

Post by Tessie258 »

I just talked to a friend of mine who has mini mal seizures(I'm not really sure what that is but she has a head injury) and you really need to get to a doctor to get this resolved. It may be nothing but it could be something so please don't wait!!!