1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

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1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by admin »

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Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by highlander_1406 »

that seems like a bad injury clay and i thought there was only c5 c6 c7 c8 and t1 i didnt know there was a c4 and untill your nerves has healed you are going to get a lot of pain iv had a TBPI for nearly 10months and i still get lots of pain to there are ways of getting treatment for the pain you can get nerve blocks and other things and if u snoop around in the other questions you will find links that you will get web sites for or just post a message on the board asking what can be done for the pain and people will give you the links and help you out. i avulsed c5 c6 c7 and slightly injured c8 and t1 and i still get lost of pain but i find the more you do like as in hobbies and things the less the pain will bother you hope i helped

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Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by highlander_1406 »

http://tbpiukgroup.homestead.com/index_1.html that is the link to the uk group TBPI's and it mite be usful if you dont already have it and there are also some humerious things in the rasberies part but you have to regester to get in that part
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.

Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by jennyb »

There's a message board attached to the tbpi uk site here is the link http://pub28.ezboard.com/badultswithbra ... usinjuries quite a few of the regulars there had intercostal transfers so it might be worth posting there for info. From talking to others, most of us had the severe nerve pain for around 2 yrs whether we had surgery or not, the pain tends to get a lot less after this time in most cases. Good luck and I hope your pain starts letting you alone soon Jen NZ
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Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by Robin-TX »

have you had surgery? I had avulsed c7,c8 and t1 . Dr. Rahul Nath in Houston performed a new technique on me. it has been successful so far. now i have hope.
david wilson
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Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by david wilson »

hey robin
could you tell me a little more about the new opperation? always interested in the cutting edge
thanks red
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Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by Robin-TX »

he used the same "basic principle" as the the traditional nerve grafts you have heard of, but apparantly my injury is rare. not sure all the medical details, but basically he opened me up mid-way inside upper arm, down laterally through the inner elbow them down about half way down forarm. He took part of the nerve for wrist flexion that was partly working and tied it onto the nerve for flexion of fingers. The hope was to regenerate it over the avulsed nerve down to what little muscle was left in forearm to try to get some finger movement. that's the best way for me to describe it. he just did this procedure for the 2nd time a couple of weeks ago. doc says i'll probably still need muscle transfer to actually have any strength to do anything with the movement in the fingers that i am beginning to experience. i'm supposed to see him in jan to decide.
i don't have much pain- just occasional shooting pain. mostly it is just a constant minor irritation. i am not on any kind of regular pain medication or neuro-inhibitor. i will occasionally take a pain pill at night if i am being especially bothered and can't sleep. hope you get some relief soon.
david wilson
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Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by david wilson »

thanks robin
wouldn't work for me as i don't have any thing working that far down yet. had the transfer done 8wks ago and am keeping my fingers crossed [it's a new ROM exersize]. good to hear about new info on my new hobby....dr watching HA!
hope your's works out. it is a long road so keep the faith. red
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Left TBPI 03/06/01. Motorcycle accident

Re: 1 yr after severe c4c5c6c7-t1 injury and still in pain

Post by Mitch »

Hi Clay, I had simular Injury 18 Months ago, Total loss of left arm function, Still in severe pain!! I had identical surgery as Robin-TX. Started to get shoulder function After about 1yr, waiting for Biceps to kick in!! Taking all sorts of medication , and waiting to go to the pain clinic in Walton Liverpool.
Chin Up Man! Dont GIVE UP! cmmitchell41@hotmail For a chat.
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pain pills for sale

Post by admin »

i have narcotic pain relievers for sale.
Hydrocodone 5/500 - .75 per pill
Lortab(hydro) 10/500 - .80 per pill
Oxycodone 5/325- .90 per pill
skelaxin 400mg - .40 per pill
morphine 15mg - $10 per pill

email me if interested
