Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:39 am

Re: Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Post by bellis »

I agree that you need to sue! I had a simple shoulder surgery in 1997. They fixed the tendon but caused BP. It changed my life. I'll suffer with pain the rest of my life. Using the effected arm causes severe pain. 100s of follow up procedures and yet no one diagnosed the problem for the next 7 years. Then it was too late to sue. I'm unable to work and barely maintain my independence by driving a little each week. For me the emotional stuff is a constant struggle. The financial loss was devastating even with a disability insurance policy. You need to sue. Even if your not the main wage earner you need to net at least 2 M after attorney fees and expenses. Do your homework and find the best med/mal attorney in your area. bob rweman.bellis@gmail.com
Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:40 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am the wife of Rick, LTBPI. On 6/30/2008, our lives were forever changed. Rick was in a severe auto accident and sustained multiple injuries: broken jaw and facial bones, mild traumatic brain injury, L1 fracture, 4th cranial nerve palsy and LTBPI. With regard to the LTBPI, Rick has had an ulner nerve transfer (January 2009). We are now considering next steps in his treatment, perhaps some muscle transfers. Pain continues to be the worst thing about his injury. We are told that the pain goes away within five years or people have learned to deal with it. Meanwhile, we pray....and wait.
Location: Michigan

Re: Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Post by chimley »

Ms. Stang,

Hi and welcome! I'm a fellow Michigander. Where do you live? We're in Vassar. My husband, Rick, was injured one year ago on June 30th in an auto accident. He went up against a Salvation Army truck in his Taurus (he lost). He suffered a laundry list of injuries (broken jaw, facial fractures, L1 fracture, ruptured spleen, inner ear fractures, mild traumatic brain injury, and the biggie - left TBPI). He was at Hurley Hospital for one month and did outpatient rehab to gain his leg strength back. Most everything has healed, with the exception of his BPI.

He had an ulner nerve graft in January at University of Michigan. His doctor is Dr. Yang and she is excellent. You can check out her credentials online. There are other Michigan people on this board who have used her as well. If you don't have the means to travel to Mayo, I would recommend Dr. Yang. Please feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

Take care and don't give up! This site has been a huge support system for us all as we embark on our TBPI journey together!

Wife of LTBPI
Ms. Stang
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:07 pm
Location: Michigan

Re: Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Post by Ms. Stang »

Hi chimely,

Sorry to hear about all your husband and you have gone through..

I am in the Midland area.
abba lori

Re: Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Post by abba lori »

hi.. im abba lori lumapas 29 yrs old from
cavite philippines, im suffering from
brachial plexopathy since 2007 when i had
a vehiculae accident. i already tried several
physical therapies and yet a still canh move
my left arm, Can you help me with this
situation? may i request for some info that
can help me? i looking forwaed for your
answer. thank you and god bless .... my email is abbalori@yahoo.com
abba lori

Re: Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Post by abba lori »

hi.. im abba lori lumapas 29 yrs old from
cavite philippines, im suffering from
brachial plexopathy since 2007 when i had
a vehiculae accident. i already tried several
physical therapies and yet a still canh move
my left arm, Can you help me with this
situation? may i request for some info that
can help me? i looking forwaed for your
answer. thank you and god bless ....
email me at abbalori@yahoo.com
Posts: 103
Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:12 am

Re: Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Post by Mardelle »

Hi Ms. Stage...Post 22 yrs. TBPI...one thing I call tell you for sure. The Doctors do not know much about this injury. You are the Dr. teaching them for the most part.
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:51 am

Re: Hello to all from a fellow TBPI person

Post by josieclove »

i admit, i didn't read this entire post. but, i can recommend a Dr. who might be able to change your lives. his name is Dr. Rahul Nath, he is located in houston,tx, and he is a genius. he is on the forefront of bpi. he has developed and patented several procedures. my baby was injured during birth. i contacted Dr. Nath about 6 months after my son was born. i was sceptical of him, because i had never heard of him. but this man knows what he is doing and has discovered surgeries and treatments for bpi that i had never before heard of. the best thing i ever did was to take my son to houston, tx, to see Dr. Nath. he is an angel sent from above. my son is now doing things that all the other drs said he would never do. wendy-josieclove@yahoo.com