
Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Post by Aliviasmommy »

My baby is one and will need surgery in the fall. Has anybody or anybody's child been through the microscopic surgery. They said they are taking tightness out of her arm and will have to be in a cast afterwards. Any advice please leave whatever I am freaking out because I dont want her to have to go through this but if it will help her I am willing to do whatever. Note my daughter only had finger and wrist movement after birth.. her progress is very good she can lift it and pick up things but she cant go out to the side or go all the way up like her other arm.
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Re: Surgery??

Post by ironmansmom »

who is doing your child's surgery? It might help us moms who have already gone through this with their child distinguish which surgery will be done, then we can give you more insight.

Good luck with surgery.
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Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:50 pm

Re: Surgery??

Post by Aliviasmommy »

Her doctor is DR KOZIN!
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Re: Surgery??

Post by Kaiden'smom »

My son had that surgery with Dr Kozin in October. It was so worth it, try to relax, it's a lot to go through, but it's just amazing how much more his arm can do. He was 11 months when he had it done. He just has 2 little tiny scars on his shoulder, one on the front and one on the back. I can email you some pics of the cast if you want to see. My son wore it for 4 weeks, then we flew back to Philly for the cast removal. We stayed for a week, 2 hours of therapy a day for the first week. It was stressful, but he has gained so much from the surgery. He didn't have external rotation past neutral, not he does. The surgery didn't really help with getting his arm up over his head, but now that he can externally rotate, he can get it out to the side and bend his arm up at the elbow. After the cast comes off, they she will be in a brace to protect it for another 8 weeks. They have to wear it when they sleep & in the car, but mostly are free to use their arm.
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Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:50 pm

Re: Surgery??

Post by Aliviasmommy »

thank you for replying. Iwould love to see pictures if your willing to send them. My email is Thank you so much!!! I trust Dr kozin I just dont want her to lose anything she has already gained.