Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by Tami »

Oh MY: I am so thankful for so many things:
My husband of almost 11 years,
our two beautiful daughters, Lauren, almost 7 and Sydney (LOBPI, just turned 3).
The many friends I have met through this message board.
We have a roof over our head, clothes to wear and food on the table.
All of the hugs, kisses and I love you's from Lauren and Sydney (and hubby too).

The holidays have always been a special time for me and have been made extra special...Our wedding anniversary is December 21. Lauren's birthday is December 11 and Sydney's birthday is November 12.

and of course our families.

I found this saying and I hope no-one minds that I share it here.

"But what I've been mostly reminded of is the importance of knowing we have a place and a purpose in life and good friends to share it with" Doc Cassidy.

With Special Blessings this Holiday Season..

Tami and Darrin, Lauren and Sydney
Missy K
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by Missy K »

This is what Mitchell is thankful for:

Thankful for mom and dad and Alex.
Thankful for myself.
Thankful for Grandmas, Grandpas, aunts and uncles.
Thankful for school.
Thankful for electricity.
Thankful for animals.
Thankful for a good home.
Thankful for God and Jesus.

As for myself, I am...
Thankful for Gregg and the boys.
Thankful for my parents and my brother, who without a doubt is my best friend.
Thankful for my job and my co-workers.
Thankful for breast cancer research and chemotherapy.
Thankful especially this year for Dr. Drake and the Shriners Hospitals.
Thankful for a warm place to sleep and a nice place to wake up.
Thankful for all of you who have become an extension of my family.

God Bless you and your families. Enjoy your holiday!
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by Patty1 »

WOW, where to start.... I am truely thankful for so many things. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband and his wonderful family who makes me feel as if I were their own. I feel very blessed and thankful for my two extraordinary boys. They are both a wonderful gift from God. I feel blessed and thankful each day I wake up and go to work... that I might make a difference in the life of a child at work.

And I am thankful for all of you... what wonderful support you have been. And thank you Francince for helping me remember just how lucky and thankful I am.


Patty & Cole Michael
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by pattisy »

Thank you, Francine, for reminding us all of what the season is truely about. I'm thankful for so many things, but I guess when I break it all down it ends up so simple. I thank God every night for choosing me and my husband for our two children. Even though we all face adversity every day, there is an overall plan: God chose us for our children for a reason. I thank God for giving me this roller coaster I call life, and all it encompasses.
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by Alice »

Here's mine;

I am thankful for my husband of 15 years (my highschool sweatheart)
I am thankful for my 3 children-everyday they amaze me
I am thankful for my new PT job (its helping keeping me sane)
I am thankful for my loving brothers, sisters and mother
and finally being alive and well this Thanksgiving!
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by stateilx3 »

I am thankful for:
My wonderful family, my four kids and my darling husband who has loved me all the way through my son's injury, even though sometimes I think he thought I was nuts.

My son's attorney who believed in me and my son enough to defend him in court.

My son's therapists who have helped him so much.

My job that keeps me to busy to dwell on the PAST

My son's doctor's and Surgeons, those wonderful people at TCH who help our kids.

The people on these boards, who always answer my questions....

And I am thankful that the good Lord has given me my son with this awful preventable injury to make me the better person that I am today because of it !!!

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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by m&mmom »

I am thankful for
An understanding husband who supports all the treatment paths we have taken for our son and who is going to support me with my career change.

My friends and family who continue to educate about bpi, and give our family support.

All of the great people involved in Matthew's recovery.

Thankful Melanie made a full recovery and hasn't shown any signs of trouble.

Thankful my employer shows flexability.

Thankful for everyone who has prayed for Matthew.

Thankful to have met so many great people who understand what I'm going through.

I could go on and on so I'll wrap it up by saying that I'm thankful for Life.
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by Allison »

I am thankful for my childrens laughter. There is no sweeter sound in the world. I am thankful for everyone's help in getting us through troubled times. I dont know what I would do without UBPN.
Peace, Love, and Hugs
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Re: Thanksgiving Gratitude Post

Post by francine »

I am VERY thankful that my daughter and I made it home last night (from picking her up from college) as we drove through 5 hours of blizzard weather. How scary!!