Want to help with a research paper?

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:15 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Bad fall in June of 2006
Location: right here in Texas

Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by swhite1 »

Hi Marie. I'm Scott from Texas. My situation may be unique enough for your roomie. I'm up for it... or down usually...
My eddress is also in my profile.
Mary Beth
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Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by Mary Beth »

Sure I would. I have a stretch TBPI and I'm having good recovery I'm one of the lucky ones not that it hasn't been a long hard road and I don't still have problems because of the BPI. but I'm a bit different I think...

email any time.

Posts: 5
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Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by BruceD51 »

have her email me. bruce_lakeman@hotmail.com
make sure she puts something about tbpi in the subject line. otherwise it will end up in the junk file
Posts: 24
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Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by schmoe90 »

Sure, I'm in, and my email addy is in my profile.
Posts: 110
Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:44 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: RTBPI - injured during a right cervical rib resection on 12/3/2008 for thoracic outlet syndrome. The doctor completely transected the lateral cord at C5-C6 Erb's pointe and the suprascapular nerve. Had a nerve repair done on 12/12/2008 to reattach the nerves. Did two years of OT. I have some issues with overuse issues with my left shoulder and also have come to find that my joints are hypermobile so I have instability in the joints which causes a lot of problems such as pressure and pain.
Location: Indiana

Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by Its1105 »

Hey Everyone!

Just an update:

We both have been crazy busy - with the school year ending, final exams, moving out of the dorms and into an apartment, summer school etc....

Basically, she still is going to contact all you that fit the criteria - but it may be a bit still. She met with her adviser for her thesis and she needs to define her subject a tad bit more and so it might be a bit more before she has the questions and what not.

She is still going to do it though and her adviser likes the idea - just needs to tweak the topic a bit!
RTBPI December 2008
Jannie G
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Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by Jannie G »

my email address is also in my user name profile. Will help if I can!
Best wishes,Jannie G
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Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by racerboy »


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Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by bellis »

I've been thru so many procedures the last 12 years I've forgotten many of them. Maybe you'll jar my memory and I can be of some assistance with your paper. I've been away from UBPN for a while but now see I won't be the first to be blunt. There is no cure for the traumatic or surgical injury! Pain, depression and bad side effects from medications prescribed by Docs who are only trying to help.
contact: rweman.bellis@gmail.com
Leah 83
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Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by Leah 83 »

I would be glad to help with the research paper as well. My email is lejabot83@yahoo.com. The more we share our stories, maybe people will be more understanding.
God Bless,
Posts: 1393
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2003 8:27 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: MVA in 2001, nerve graph in 2002, Median Nerve Transfer in 2004 and an unsuccessful Gracillis Muscle Transfer in 2006. I am living life and loving it! Feel free to contact me :)
Location: Grosse Pointe Woods, MI

Re: Want to help with a research paper?

Post by cbe411 »

I am just getting around to reading this... I could be more than willing to help with a research paper!!

