Lazy Eye leads to blindness? Non BPi

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Lazy Eye leads to blindness? Non BPi

Post by Allison »

What a week I had! MY husband smashed the Jeep ( hit a deer on a major highway). I found out my daughter Kalista 4, "is almost blind in her right eye" said with avengance by her pediatric opthomogist. What the %$#? I thought to myself.
When she was almost 2 we noticed her right eye turning inward, the Dr suggested patching the good eye to make her use her weak eye. The Dr called it the "bad" eye. Nice huh? Well patching did not work on our toddler so we opted for surgery. We were told the earlier it was done, the better chances for sucess.
Just last week I noticed her turning in the right eye, usually at night. Everything was great prior to that, we had no indication of poor eye sight. What is going on? He wants us to without a doubt patch the left eye for 12 hours a day for the next six weeks.
If she is almost blind in the right eye, how the hell is she supposed to see if we patch the left eye? What kind of treatment is this?
I'm sick. I have to much on my plate right now. I AM going for a second opinion. That's after PT 5x's week, Chiro, the Pediatrcian, pre-school, and grocery shopping. LOL! oh and the car dealership.
Any input is appreciated.
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Re: Lazy Eye leads to blindness? Non BPi

Post by m&mmom »

Hugs out to you and your family Allison. I'll try and give you a call later.
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Re: Lazy Eye leads to blindness? Non BPi

Post by francine »

Allison - double yikes. Take a deep breath sweety. Big hugs to you. I'm sorry this is all coming down on you at once. We'll say a prayer for Kalista.
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Re: Lazy Eye leads to blindness? Non BPi

Post by Bobbi »


I'm a 31 year old lazy eye'r myself. And was a childhood pro at the whole patching ordeal. I emailed you so if you want to chat you have my number.

tina arvizu
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Re: Lazy Eye leads to blindness? Non BPi

Post by tina arvizu »

I am also blind in one eye. When I was a baby my parents noticed my left eye would turn in sometimes (usally at night). Same thing patch the eye, lazy eye don't worry she will grow out of it. Well by the time they found out about the lack of sight it was to late for any surgery. I did gain more control over my eye by the age of 10. No one would ever know I am blind in that eye. But even today there is nothing they can do to fix it. When I get very sleepy my eye will still turn in. My mother use to say that is how she could tell when I was sleepy. And in later years she could tell if I had been drinking! Please get a second and third opinion. I know my parents wished they could have.
Missy K
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Re: Lazy Eye leads to blindness? Non BPi

Post by Missy K »

Hi Alison.

You've had a rough week...and it's only Wednesday! Sorry to hear about Kalista. I hope you are able to get a second opinion for her. And I'm glad that your husband is alright (I'm assuming so anyhow) after his accident.

Gosh, when it rains, it pours.

Hope things look better for you guys next week!
