Ohio / Indiana / Kentucky / West Virginia Picnic May 17, 2009

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Ohio / Indiana / Kentucky / West Virginia Picnic May 17, 2009

Post by Jane »

Annual Brachial Plexus (BPI) Picnic

We are planning our annual BPI picnic to be held at Sharon Woods (Cincinnati) on Sunday, May 17 from 1 – 4 p.m. In order to determine if there will be enough people to make it a good experience for the kids, we need to know how many will attend. Please RSVP your interest/availability via e-mail to Mary Nunlist (nunlist.ma@pg.com) or voicemail at 513-256-4741 by Sunday, May 3. If we don’t hear back from you by that date, we will assume you will not attend.

NOTE: If we are unable to have the picnic due to limited availability, we will contact only those who responded that they plan to attend. Similarly, if we move forward, we will send directions to only those planning to attend.

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Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:23 am

Re: Ohio / Indiana / Kentucky / West Virginia Picnic May 17, 2009

Post by bellasnana »

Just wondering if this event is still happening? I've been busy, and the "reply by May 3rd" date slipped my mind. Hoping I'll have the gas money to travel from central Indiana. I have gas expenses next week for Bella's post-op check-up at Cincinnati.
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Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:23 am

Re: Ohio / Indiana / Kentucky / West Virginia Picnic May 17, 2009

Post by bellasnana »

Silly me! I checked "events" board AFTER I posted! Glad to see it's still scheduled! Hopefully the rain will stay away!