Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Momx2 »

Been off the boards for awhile, but I just had to share with people who would understand what a big deal this is. Can't believe it but my daughter Renee finally learned to ride without the training wheels. She is 8 yrs old and we have tried for the past 2 years but she wasn't ready. This year I think she really wanted to do it because some of her classmates were mocking her out because she still had training wheels. We moved the training wheels up so they weren't touching the ground unless the bike really leaned and let her ride like that for a few days. Then tonight she asked me to take them off and away she went, as if she had been riding 2 wheeled for a long time. Boy was I proud!!!!!!!!
Carolyn J
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI. I am 77 yrs old and never had a name for my injuries until 2004 when I found UBPN at age 66.

My injuries are: LOBPI on upper body and Cerebrael Palsy on the lower left extremities. The only intervention I've had is a tendon transplant from my left leg to my left foot to enable flexing t age 24 in 1962. Before that, my foot would freeze without notice on the side when wearing heels AND I always did wear them at work "to fit in" I also stuttered until around age 18-19...just outgrew therapy for it. Also suffered from very very low self esteem; severe Depression and Anxiety attacks started at menopause. I stuffed emotions and over-compensated in every thing I did to "fit in" and be "invisible". My injuries were Never addressed or talked about until age 66. I am a late bloomer!!!!!

I welcome any and all questions about "My Journey".
Sharing helps to Heal. HUGS do too.
Location: Tacoma WA

Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Carolyn J »

HOOOORAY for Renee!!
I was 13 before I mastered my bike.

Hugs all around,
Carolyn J

Message was edited by: Carolyn J
Carolyn J
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI
no external rotation against gravity, can only go to 90 degree fwd flexion, no hand-to-mouth
1 surgery at age 14 (latissimus dorsi transfer). In 2004, at age 28 I was struck with Transverse Myelitis which paralyzed me from the chest down. I recovered movement to my right leg, but need a KAFO to walk on my left leg. I became an RN in 2008.
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by marieke »

YAY! I only got rid of mine at age 9, before that I could just not balance on two wheels!

Marieke 33, LOBPI
Marieke Dufresne RN
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Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by brandonsmom »

That is great news Renee, congratulations. I remember the very day Brandon got his off, I was soooo excited and no one else seemed to care except for the people on these boards....
GAYLE mom of Brandon 10 1/2 ROBPI
Cole's Mommy
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Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Cole's Mommy »

Woo-hooo! One of many dreams that will come true for Renee! CONGRATULATIONS!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Road cycling accident 8/31/08 stretched c5/c6. 2 1/2 years post accident now and I have regained all function and alot of strength back. I am a very lucky person.
Location: Eureka, Ca.

Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Humboldtmtnbkr »

I love anybody that rides a bike. Congradulations! JJ
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Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by sheri.roesler »

Doesn't that feel great??? My son, Joshua is almost 10 and he just learned how to ride his bike this Spring as well. We had pretty much given up on it, but he gave it a try, and after an afternoon over at the high school track he was doing great!! Such a huge deal! we even went out to eat that night to his favorite restaurant. Congratulations!!!!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI, had surgery when I was 9- they moved muscles and tendons from one side of my arm to the other side. I can lift my arm to about my eye level, can't straigten it all the way and can't completely supinate my wrist.
Location: Richmond, RI

Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by karategirl1kyu »

congrats! i remember the day i got mine off, i was 9... fell in a pile of cat poo... lol!
Mel, 21, LOBPI
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 28 years old with a right obstetrical brachial plexus injury. 5 surgeries to date with pretty decent results. Last surgery resolved years of pain in my right arm however, I am beginning my journey with overuse in my left arm
Location: Minnesota

Re: Got Rid of Training Wheels Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by hope16_05 »

Way to go Renee!!!! Thats so exciting, I am proud of you!
Amy 22 years old ROBPI from MN
Amy 28 years old ROBPI from MN