Clothing after Tendon Transfer

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Clothing after Tendon Transfer

Post by Priscella »

Any suggestions on what should a 2 year old wear after a tendon transfer? She will have a statue of liberty cast and I was wondering how to clothe her for the 6 weeks she will be in the cast.
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Re: Clothing after Tendon Transfer

Post by ironmansmom »

shirts 2 sizes bigger than normal has always worked for us!! I'm sure you already know, put the affected arm in first. Good luck with surgery, hope it all goes well!!

mom to "ironman" age 11, ROBPI
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Re: Clothing after Tendon Transfer

Post by Priscella »

Thanks. I was thinking she would need hospital gowns that open at the shoulder. I guess she will grow into the eventually.

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Re: Clothing after Tendon Transfer

Post by Kaiden'smom »

We also used shirts 2 sizes to big. Ones that zip or button up the front were easiest to get on my son, so we didn't have to get them over his head. Just put the casted arm in first.
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Re: Clothing after Tendon Transfer

Post by beansmom »

My dughter just had the Trapezius Transfer in Feb and had the same cast.

We also got T-shirts, from Michael's or AC Moore, about 2-3 sizes to big. The first one we cut and then realized we didn't need
She now uses them as nightgowns and they were around $3 each.
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Re: Clothing after Tendon Transfer

Post by Adrienne »

Might be a bit too late for an answer, but if you buy cheap t-shirts, a size bigger than normal, you can open the seams on the side that the cast will be on. Also, you can go to craft stores/Wal-mart and buy velcro tabs that stick on the clothing (no sewing needed) to close the flaps over the cast.

Hope that helps :)