anyone else have this happen?

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by s8n »

well if everyone got a wii we could all just play golf online together and screw the rest of em lolol
i agree robert
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by AngelaW »

Oh yeah, I agree. It's not like I spend every hour in tears. I just want those who feel bad to know they're not alone in their feelings. The one's that never sent a card can go jump in a lake. :)
Yes, what to do with all that "free" time? It sounds silly but I try to give myself "assignments" to complete every day so I don't sit in front of the tv 24-7.
You mentioned a wii. Have you heard of any good gaming controllers that work for one hand.
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by s8n »

the wii controllers are one handed and alot of the games can be played one handed (tiger woods golf 2009) this thing is awsome!!!
Leah 83
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by Leah 83 »

I was always everyone elses support system and its been hard adjustment for all of my family. I was also told to tie my hand behind my back to see what I could do. The worst was when I was told by a family member that I could make my recovery as short or as long as I wanted to. Any sign of weakness was never acceptable growing up. That was a hard pill to swallow when I was working my butt off 5 days a week in therapy. I'm new to these message boards. I was injured in Jan 08'. I was on the freeway and went over to the fast lane so a truck could merge, and while she was passing me she had a blowout lost control and hit me at 75 miles an hour. My suv spun around 180 and rolled 8 times down an enbankment.
I broke my neck and back C-4,C-5,C-6,C-7,C-8,T-1,T-2,T-3,T-4, my scalpula was broken in three places, broke all my ribs, acute neumo thorax(my left lung collapsed)had a chest tube, blunt force head trauma 50 staples to close it up, knocked a chip of my skull loose which is still loose to this day, almost lost my left eye, broke my teeth, and TBPI root avulsion at C-8, and T-1, rupture at C-7.
I would be lost w/ out my husband J.R., and my two beautiful babies Lotus 4 yrs., and Maddux 2 yrs.
I don't have a choice but to keep going. A lot of times I really want to give up. But I know I will never be alone because God is always w/ me. This message board has also helped by just reading it. God bless!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Bad fall in June of 2006
Location: right here in Texas

Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by swhite1 »

Holy crap Leah!
You win for the most f'd up this season. Darn, and two toddlers as well!
You do have a choice and you are making the right one.
Your little Lotus and Maddux are going to know compassion for sure.
And J.R., kudos to you sir.
I don't know how old the two of you are but I do know this, you two stick it out together and eternity will hold a special place for your spirits.
What a massive life altering event for you. Both.
I am humbled. If ever I can do anything for you...I have a brother that lives in Gilbert. I was stationed at Fort Huachuca in the 70's. I'm going to look up Buckeye.
My best to you both,

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Evan J
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by Evan J »


I am an LOBPI and just happened to be reading this post and I would like to tell you that your story has been the most inspiring that I have read on any of these forums. The extent of your injury is unbeleivable and the fact that your outlook is as positive is mind blowing. God has truly spared you and I think it is truly amazing that you can recognize that. I always read on this traumatic forum when Ive been having a bad day because I know that no matter how bad the day has been, it has been worse for you TBPIs. I want to thank you all for your encouraging words and to let you know that I have the utmost respect for each and every one of you. You cant imagine how much you have helped me.

I beleive that God allows trial and tribulation so that others may see him working through us, doing things that we could never do on our own two feet(or one arm).

Thank you all again,

Leah 83
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by Leah 83 »

Thank you so much Scott and Evan for your replies. I'm headed to the orthopedic surgeon today to so he can fully explain what I can expect from a tendon muscle transfer. You both have given me a much needed boost and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and if you two or anyone else reading this needs any prayers or support I want you to know that I am here for you as well. I believe that the reason I'm still here is because of all the prayers that were offered up on my account. Buckeye is about 35 miles west of phoenix. I was 24 when I had the accident, I will be 26 in September. My husband is the same age, we were highschool sweethearts. Our six year wedding anniversary is coming up at the end of April. My email is Thanx again, and God Bless!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am the wife of Rick, LTBPI. On 6/30/2008, our lives were forever changed. Rick was in a severe auto accident and sustained multiple injuries: broken jaw and facial bones, mild traumatic brain injury, L1 fracture, 4th cranial nerve palsy and LTBPI. With regard to the LTBPI, Rick has had an ulner nerve transfer (January 2009). We are now considering next steps in his treatment, perhaps some muscle transfers. Pain continues to be the worst thing about his injury. We are told that the pain goes away within five years or people have learned to deal with it. Meanwhile, we pray....and wait.
Location: Michigan

Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by chimley »

Hello All,

Yes, I have seen Rick's friends sort of fade away. Right after his accident they would call and check in rather often, but there are only one or two who continue to visit. You find out rather quickly who is in this for the long haul.

We are blessed to have Rick here - he stopped breathing at the accident scene. The woman who was behind Rick when his accident happened stopped and went up to his car. She had to go around to the passenger side because that's where he ended up. He nose was pitch black and he was not breathing. She cried out to God on his behalf, and within a few seconds, he took a breath.

I know we have all been placed on a path we would not choose, both as those who have been injured and those who have loved ones who have been injured. But I do know this, God does not fail us. Rather, He places us in each other's paths to support and uplift each other. And He is with us every step of the way.

Thank you, all, for continually doing that for us. Thank you for sharing, for listening, and for understanding --- unconditionally!

Wife of LTBPI
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by s8n »

well i'm glad it's not just me. but even my family is acting like "oh pull up your boot straps and suck it up" they just don't understand the depression along with this horrible pain is going to take awhile to get past and get on. i don't want to feel like this forever but as of now i kind of have to deal with it as i am. i have always fixed things and created things with my hands and now everything i knew is gone and i can't do alot of it anymore. i will find a niche in life but they don't want to give me time. and sadly all of my "friends" and my "family" aside my fiance and her children won't talk to me anymore. it is very depressing on top of the depression i already had. and i just thought maybe if anyone else was going through this they could vent on this thread. so thank you all for your input. now i don't feel as alone as i was feeling. i mean i really was feeling as if i was in the twilight zone. well i'll quit rambling.

again thanks,
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Re: anyone else have this happen?

Post by minniem »

I have not been on this site in many years and did not plan to post. I was looking up slings and stumbled on this...

Mostly I am on the UK message board for this injury.

My accident was over nine years ago now... By 25 I had buried my whole family excluding my kids and was in the start of the nastiest divorce on record. Divorce literally took six years in the courts to finish for a lot of reasons including my accident and my oldest son becoming sick with a genetic disease.

My accident happened six weeks before I turned 27. I got smashed big time too... I got horrible medical care, had the car insurance joining forces with my ex, and ended up paying for every medical bill by myself, etc etc etc. Literally my life sounds like a soap opera...

When I came home it was to four kids from 17 months through six years old and I was all there was! No one was there. A chunk of friends left with my ex and the rest excluding one left with the wreck. My one friend was forty five miles away but she stuck with me and helped as much as she could... From the start I was on my own. I lost a lot of my memory due to the head injury but one of my first memories after the wreck was staring at three pairs of shoes plus my own going how in the world am I going to tie all these bloody shoes! Then I saw my oldest child's shoes all ready tied and his big smile and the I did it myself. That was my blessing and joy! That is when I started to live in the moment. I know longer worry about the moment behind or in front of me. I focus on this moment!

My advise is forget the ones who have walked out and that includes family because they are not worth even thinking about! Find a good church you have never gone too that is really active or a community center that is really active. Sign up for one function that requires you to talk to people every week at the same time. Never ever miss it either literally schedule everything around that time. If you are asked about your arm have an elevator speech prepared. Literally it should be able to be said in the amount of time it takes to go from one floor to the next on an elevator otherwise don't say a word about it. Use that as your oasis to be you again no arm no disability just a time you feel like yourself again. For me this was college... I never acknowledged my disability or even talked about it instead I immersed myself in my first love which is God and music!

I taught myself to play piano again one handed! I record my right hand playing the left hand part and play it back while the right hand plays. It works and I feel like myself. If you read all the medical and researcher info they say TBPI is the most devastating of all SCI injuries! What your feeling is normal but there is light at the end of the tunnel only you have to get there.

Figure out what you can do and do it. s8n look at using your mechanical talents in a new way. You could teach and from reading your posts I think you would be awesome at it! Think of how much knowledge is in your head that you could bless others with.

Another thing you can do is look at the positive things other disabled people are doing. There is a lot of them just start searching because they are inspiring and you never know what it is going to make you go "Wow I can do that and it would be fun!"

Ricky James is a paraplegic who is racing in the NASCAR Craftsman truck series just to name one thing he is doing check out the videos on his website.

Jeremy McGhee is also a paraplegic who has participated as a skier in the x games google his name and watch the videos.

Amanda Everlove has a tbpi and competed and set world records in swimming in the Paralympics last fall.

Out of the UK there is a group of bikers who are riding again despite their disability. There website is

Your healing still and you just need to keep healing. We all heal differently and anyone who does not understand that is an idiot that is not worth your time. Please know every morning and night I pray for everyone whether I know them or not who is affected by this injury that they have the strength to get through the day and night. I have been where you are and I am living proof you can rebuild your life!

Please though if you are having depression;PTSD(post traumatic distress disorder); feeling overwhelmed; suicidal; etc go find a doctor who does understand and do what they recommend whether its counceling or medicine. If the doctor won't listen go to another one. Please take that seriously and get help.

I hope this helps.
