Potty training after surgery

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Potty training after surgery

Post by B'smom »


My son just had surgery on Friday and the question is, should I continue to encourage his potty training? He will be 3 next month and we have been working on this since the spring. He's no there yet but he is /was doing well. He put up a fight before but I could usually get him to go for me. Now he screams his head off. I hate to see all that hard work go down the tubes! It seems his cast sits on his legs when I try and get him to go and I think that irritates him. I've tried him standing but the novelty wore off quick.He's been doing the pull up thing. Do you think just switch to underwear or what?!! I'm open to all suggestions. Should I let him take a break for a awile but for how long? Otherwise he is back to normal 110%!!!
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Re: Potty training after surgery

Post by sunflowers »

its ok to let it fall off for a while.. When they're really ready its so easy. It will be just fine. you both are going to have alot of others things that need your attention right now. Battles over this will just frustrate you both , More hugs and re-assurance right now.

While consistancy is important.... It has been my experience that going with the flow in this matter makes it easier on everyone.

good luck
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Re: Potty training after surgery

Post by admin »

Hey, my son was four and it took 3 weeks too. I guess when they are ready, they are ready. Pull-ups get expensive though so I quit using them and all of a sudden my son realized that he didn't like to be wet !!! We still use pull up's at night...too many accidents ! After surgery, I would just relax, he still needs time to adjust !
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Re: Potty training after surgery

Post by francine »

Maia became potty trained on her 4th birthday (at her party actually). She had one accident since in the first week and that was it. It was so much easier in a way because she was older and understood it. We eased off because she was 3.5 years old when she had her capsulodesis surgery and I didn't want to stress her out any more than already was.
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Re: Potty training after surgery

Post by Mommyanders »

I've been wondering about this, too, since I will have to face surgery during the time I potty trained my oldest. (Caleb has surgery on 12/16 and will be 2.5) I've decided to wait until after the splint gets off.
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Re: Potty training after surgery

Post by francine »

BTW - just heard an advertisement that on Dr. Phil today he's going to be talking about potty training! LOL
Karen Hillyer
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Re: Potty training after surgery

Post by Karen Hillyer »

We had just the same thing with Gavin when he was 2.5 and he was in a cast following his subscapularis release surgery.
I didn't start to train him before the surgery because I was worried it would dent his confidence if he had a few accidents, we waited until the cast came off ant started then when he was 2.7 years. Even then we couldn't get him to sit on the potty - it was one which sat low on the floor, then my friend gave me a potty chair, which was higher off the floor and he didn't have to struggle to get on it ( his balance has always been poor) and within a week he was using it really happilly.
Good luck -
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Re: Potty training after surgery

Post by admin »

I've never seen a kid go to school in Pampers or whith a pacifier as my pediatrician once told me !! Choose your battles wisely !