Small Movement-Excitment

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
TBPI Parent
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Small Movement-Excitment

Post by TBPI Parent »

My son was injured on 7/3/08 and had his first surgery at Stanford on October 28 for a nerve transfer and a second surgery on December 23rd for an Intercostal nerve transfer. He just shared with me a little movement in his left arm. It is very small but I am so excited. He doesn't want to make a big deal about it because it is so small so I have to share my excitement quietly. I hope this small movement gives us hope for more great things to come.
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Re: Small Movement-Excitment

Post by schmoe90 »

It is a big deal - I remember how happy I was after the intercostal nerve transfer started my bicep slightly jumping when I coughed, all those years ago. It'll take a while to get it to where he can control it at will (I thought of lifting my arm while tightening my chest, and now I just think of lifting my arm), but when he can hold a few lbs against his chest, it's life changing. I think it also helped with some of the constant pain, but it was a long time ago, so it's all a bit blurry :o) Best of luck with the continued progress :o)
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Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:07 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: MVA 3/15/08 (TBPI)
Avulsed C-5, 6, 7, 8 T-1
Mayo Total BP Reconstruction 7/15/08
Pain issues
Location: West Haven CT

Re: Small Movement-Excitment

Post by peterabb »

I had the BP reconstruction surgery (intercostal transfer et al., the whole package @ Mayo) in July 08, I am too experiencing some very minor movements in my bicep and's pretty exciting and encouraging. I also hope the pain diminishes even slightly. I've been pretty strong through the whole ordeal, but the constant pain is a lot to bear. Good luck to you and keep us posted...
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Re: Small Movement-Excitment

Post by Denis »

I had my BP injury April 6 , 2006. In May my Neurologist could detect no nerve function in most of my arm. He believed a nerve transplant was my only chance but an MRI in June showed all nerves intact. A tiny quiver in my index finger in mid July wes a huge event. EMG results are still negative but I have worked constantly at building the little muscle I have and can now do many things I thought I would never do again. There is still pain but even that is somewhat better. Just keep your son working. A positive attitude is his best ally.