BPI Sporting Club

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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BPI Sporting Club

Post by gabriele »

Hello everybody,
since I am reading the more I can of your topics I think I deserve to create a new one.=)
This shall be a very positive topic, in which anyone could post ideas and questions about: sporting with a BPI.
I start with me (sorry JennyB, but I was not able to register in the web site you suggested me some time ago), I have a severe ROBPI:

1) running (my legs are not affected)
2) cross country skiing (I used to go on alpine skiing since I broke one of my Right arm bones)
3) cycling on road (not mtb since I should use both rms for the balance)
4) trekking
5) playing soccer (but this is a different matter)

Is there anyone who wants to share sports experience or suggest something? (Example, I would like to climb but no one here thinks I could with just one arm and it's impossible even to try, while I saw people climbing without a leg).
(ps. sorry for my english)
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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by Tessie258 »

About climbing, you may want to try one of those places that have a wall. I don't know how much use you have of your hand but Jameson is able to climb a wall. He doesn't do it alot because it's expensive.

He also loves to hike and climb mountains...I need to take him more. We live 5 minutes from a beautiful mountain trail.

He used to play baseball but it got too competitive but he would still play with family for fun.


He hates to run alot because his balance is off.

He loves to walk and ride bikes.

Does air hockey count? He says it is great therapy and he and his brother like to play that.

There are lots of things that can be done if you are athletically minded..I'm not, unfortunately I'm sewing,signing and chocolate minded :)
Have a great day!!!
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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by njbirk »

Well, I'm not really athletically inclined, but I do like hiking, and when I can combine that with my other love, birding, I'm in heaven. The birding actually gives me some bpi exercise as I've got to get those binoculars to my eyes, so I get a good stretch every time I do it.

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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by gabriele »

thank for your reply,
I think I will try (as you suggest) in one of those places: well, I cannot raise my arm at all, so it will be just to have fun.
Why do you say that he dislike running? Is he (your son?) affected on a leg too?
If not, this is interesting! Even if I am adult and my right arm is smaller than the left one, I don't feel umbalanced when I go running.
What is "air hockey"??
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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by gabriele »

To njbirk:
birding? You mean bird - watching? Amazing!!! Where??

ps. Is not that I am silly, I just usually speak another language, I'm just trying my best with english...
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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by njbirk »

Oops forgot to mention about the climbing. I've not let the bpi stop me from climbing either, but I'm not into the kind of climbing where you have to use equipment. Just rough hiking, I guess. I've climbed the Olympus range in Greece, and been up to the top of Huanu Pichu (overlooking Machu Pichu) in Peru.

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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by njbirk »

Yes bird-watching. I bird wherever I travel and sometimes even travel to bird. I have a life list and enjoy adding a new 'lifer' to that list whenever I can.
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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by Tessie258 »

Running is just hard for him. His arm is not in a natural position and doesn't swing like his other arm. He has no problem with his legs....I guess it could be compared to running with a big ball or something bulky in his arms.

Air hockey is an arcade game played on a table kind of like billiards or ping pong but it blows air on the table and you have to make goals in the opposite side by hitting the puck with a paddle type thing.
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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by gabriele »

Once again:
a life list???
a new lifer???????
what are you talking about? =)

My experience as bird watcher is quite little. When I was younger I used to pay the annual fee to the Italian Bird Protection Society (LIPU)
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Re: BPI Sporting Club

Post by Tessie258 »

Hey Nancy,
Yesterday I saw 2 hawks outside my house. It was very cool! I like birds too. I went to a bird museum once in California(San Bernadino or Beumont???). It was pretty amazing. Have a great day!