What an amazing site!

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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What an amazing site!

Post by AngelaW »

I just discovered this site and it is such a relief to communicate with people who are going through similar issues.
Guess I'll introduce myself. I'm 29 years old and about 7 months ago was in a terrible motorcycle accident due to mechanical failure with my dad. (I have to add that he is my hero. He bent the handlebars of a harley with his bare hands trying to slow it and when that didn't work he put his feet down on the road to slow it from 70 mph to around 40mph He broke his legs up to his hips and had a stroke but he's alive.) I suffered numerous injuries including breaking both bones in my right leg, tearing that knee,shattering my pelvis, needing a major skin graft.. I won't list them all but of course I also broke my right arm and injured the BP (which paralyzed it) and have a severely sublexated shoulder.
I spent 3 months at Mayo before I was able to go home with my mom. Since then I've been back (mayo clinic is my second home) for several surgeries. Most of you who have been to mayo clnic in MN have probably worked with the triad of Drs. Shin, Spinner, and Bishop. They did some nerve graphs and fun stuff and I do have some movement in my fingers (also brought back dang nerve pain but I'm good friends with nuerontin) They were also really pushing for a shoulder fusion for the sublexation but the shouldar guy has decided a tendon transfer will work. Yay! I go back in march so I hope it works. anyone else had this procedure done?
Whew! One-handed typing is a lot of work. Thanks for reading and I am looking forward to being a part of this wonderfull group.
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:50 am

Re: What an amazing site!

Post by sommersuz »

Well, Welcome Angela. Whew! What an accident. I am so sorry for both you and your precious father. Will write later but do keep me posted on your shoulder. I was injured 6 months ago when a cervical fusion went arry and I woke up with paralyzed arm. Have considered the fusion...some dr.s recommend...others don't. Let me know what the Triad decides. Their reputation on this site is just wondrous. Keep me posted and "hang" in there. Mine hangs in pain now for about 5 months and I'm so sick and tired of it. Getting ready to do something about it. Take care of yourself. You'll find so many wonderful folks on this site and they are so knowledgable and offer many many helpful hints or a shoulder to cry on. Suzanne Sommer, Dallas, Texas
Posts: 41
Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:04 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Motorcycle accident Oct 8, '06. TBI and LTBPI. Brachial Plexus Reconstructive surgery at the Mayo by Shin/Bishop/Spinner Jul '07. Gracilis muscle transfer for new bicep is working somewhat, still have a way to go-no hand-to-mouth motion yet!
Location: Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

Re: What an amazing site!

Post by brentr6 »

Wow, I hate to hear that about you and your Dad! You're definitely in the right world for repair now! Yes this is a wonderful site! Psychologically, the information, contacts w/people that have been down the road you've started down...you name it and it's here! The good lord has certainly blessed us all with this tool!

Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:56 pm

Re: What an amazing site!

Post by msjdgal »

we are scheduled for the muscle and tendon transfer tomorrow am at mayo - been at mayo since 2/23/08 - son had a motorcycle accident 8/7/08 and like you, 17 broken bones and lots of other injuries - now we are working on the bpi - this will be our first of 3 surgeries - will let you know after surgery as the drs state "some things they just dont know until they open him up tomorrow"
Posts: 240
Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:03 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: X

Re: What an amazing site!

Post by AngelaW »

First I'd like to wish your family and your son the best of luck! Don't I know an accident like this is almost as hard on the family as it is on the person.
The docs told me the excact same thing. What's funny is that before the nerve surgery, they said it would takt 6-8 hrs. After they said it took only six and my first thought was, "but I paid for 8hrs. couldn't they have thrown in some extras?" :)
As you've probably noticed Drs. don't let anything slip when it comes to surgical results. They have excellent reasons but it never stops being frustrating.
is the tendon/muscle transfer for shouldar sublexatin? Who is the surgeon? I go in March 18 so I'm right on your heels.
I don't know where you're currently located at mayo, but if you can, push to get him on the good floors. In St.Marys thats 8th, 9th, and Domitillo(sp?). These are mostly revamped rooms with widescreen tvs. My last one in Dom. was like a suite. Try to keep him out of Joseph wing. It's been my least favorite and the most "hosptal-like."
Good luck again and I hope the hotels are nice. I'm very lucky in that my family lives only about 45 minutes from rochester.