Q regarding subsequent births

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2001 12:38 pm

Re: Q regarding subsequent births

Post by Kristie »

I have had 4 babies. My second child has a BPI. I had planned to delivery Vaginally my third child. My regular doctor was totally for this and completely supportive. The on-call doc was not. I ended up with a C/S. With my 4th child we considered a vbac but since the baby was so big we went ahead with another c/s.

Make sure you are very comfortable with your doctor. Talk a lot. Try to get estimates of size. I know these are not always accurate but it is a place to start.

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Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:38 am

Re: Q regarding subsequent births

Post by torie »

Is it a risk your willing to take? C-sections are done everday,and are safe. There are risk to c-sections,but there are to natural births also. Doing it natural,you start out risking another baby to BPI. You would never forgive yourself if it happened.I am sorry about sounding harsh,but I trusted the doctor that gave my daughter her injury. Good Luck with what ever you choose. It is a personal decision,and not for anyone to judge.

Message was edited by: torie