Need help with 504

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parent needing help
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Need help with 504

Post by parent needing help »

Gosh, seems like I have come full cirle. Spent the first few years on here non stop then we branched out for awhile. Thought we had learned and handled just about anything that could be thrown at us. Humph!!

I have asked the school to evaluate for a 504 plan for Kaite. She is being taught to type on a two hand program and keyboard and only truly has the use of the one hand. Her OT and PT want us to get the 504 plan started for things like that as well as other issues that are coming up a little at a time.

Any suggestions or tips on what you, as parents, have considered for your child's 504 plan? By the way, her third grade teacher said forget it, she will not be getting a 504 plan in my class--it has to be educational and she can attend school.

Now I know I don't know much about it and will be researching 504 but am pretty sure I was told by her therapists that a 504 was medical and not educational. Am I misunderstanding?

HELP and thanks in advance.

Christy and Kaite
Christy & Katie Chapman
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1 surgery at age 14 (latissimus dorsi transfer). In 2004, at age 28 I was struck with Transverse Myelitis which paralyzed me from the chest down. I recovered movement to my right leg, but need a KAFO to walk on my left leg. I became an RN in 2008.
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Re: Need help with 504

Post by marieke »

504 Plan:
"The "504" in "504 plan" refers to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which specifies that no one with a disability can be excluded from participating in federally funded programs or activities, including elementary, secondary or postsecondary schooling. "Disability" in this context refers to a "physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities." This can include physical impairments; illnesses or injuries; communicable diseases; chronic conditions like asthma, allergies and diabetes; and learning problems. A 504 plan spells out the modifications and accommodations that will be needed for these students to have an opportunity perform at the same level as their peers, and might include such things as wheelchair ramps, blood sugar monitoring, an extra set of textbooks, a peanut-free lunch environment, home instruction, or a tape recorder or keyboard for taking notes."


"IEP stands for Individualized Education Program (alternatively called an "Individualized Education Plan," "Individual Education Plan," or some combination thereof). This is a legally binding document that spells out exactly what special education services your child will receive and why. It will include your child's classification, placement, services such as a one-on-one aide and therapies, academic and behavioral goals, a behavior plan if needed, percentage of time in regular education, and progress reports from teachers and therapists. The IEP is planned at an IEP meeting.
The individualized part of IEP means that the plan has to be tailored specifically to your child's special needs -- not to the needs of the teacher, or the school, or the district. Goals, modifications, accommodations, personnel, placement, all should be selected, enforced and maintained with the particular needs of your child in mind. "We don't do that," for example, is not an individualized response. If your school has never had a child like yours (and since your child is an individual, they haven't), and now they do, and a service is appropriate to his or her needs, then they do do that now."

They BOTH have to do with disability and education, just differ in what types of services are offered in both. I think her teacher doesn't seem to understand WHAT either are.

Marieke 33, LOBPI

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Re: Need help with 504

Post by claudia »

The 504 plan differs in two major ways from the IEP. One is in how it accomplishes its goals. That is, the 504 makes "accommodations" to level the playing field. Where the IEP can not only accommodate, but give assistance. The 504 plan is much broader in its wording, therefor giving schools lattitude in how they intrepret it...this can work for you and against you. The IEP is much more rigid in its rules. In addition, the 504 falls under a more difficult umbrella to enforce, the IEP is easier to file suit(it is "law") if they don't do what is written in the IEP.

That whole "oh, they are learning" crap was handed to me a few years ago when we got a new head of special ed. He was clearly hired to save money as he slashed what every kid got.

Here's what we have for Juliana's 504 (and I'm calling a new meeting to address further issues): OT consult, rolling backpack, extra set of books, extra time on state tests, answers given in any form for state tests (this means she can speak answers if her hand gets tired of writing), monitor on school bus. We are addressing the writing issue now. I am trying to arrange for her to type more things in class. Her teacher is with me on this. We do the "Columbia Writer's Project" which requires 45 minutes of writing per day. She can't write for 45 minutes. Juliana is in 4th grade.

One of the things you want to look for is a discrepancy between her intelligence and the work she does. Juliana will write 2 sentences for CWP, but could verbally spin quite a yarn...she wrote very short words in the work she did in class, but in discussion had extraordinary vocabulary. She should be able to use her vocab in general writing. She didn't because it was time consuming and tiring.

It really helps to have the teacher on your side.

Juliana was having trouble with the "keyboarding" teacher as well. She didn't want to go to school because of it. Amazingly, this teacher didn't even know about the 504 (she should have been told), and it required the intervention of Juliana's teacher to set the keyboarding lady straight. Now Juliana types in her own fashion (pointer and thumb use 1/3 the board and the right hand covers the other 2/3).

btw, search on the website for 504...we have discussed this on a previous thread.

good luck,
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Re: Need help with 504

Post by F-Litz »
this page that rich wrote years ago may be helpful for you - there are good links here, too
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Re: Need help with 504

Post by Mare »

Frankie is in 10th grade his 504 started in kindergarden providing him with an aide the whole time in class to assist with pulling up pants putting on coat and gloves to helping carry lunch trays, open milk carton and play ground supervision as he got older his needs became less now he has extra books at home and books are kept in each class extra time is given in passing time since opening a locker and getting stuff out takes longer and extra time for changing for gym he also get a break if needed during testing since he suffers from overuse of the right hand and it cramps up. I am also allowed to type any reports if needed but he does that on his own its just all this is there just in case. His bus stop is also in front of our house and always has been its hard to carry stuff for school and hold an umbrella with one hand. Just ask your child what she needs help with and have it put in the 504. I have always gotten Frankies input and in 8th grade started writing up his own 504 with the counslers. Also if the teacher gives you a hard time switch classes I did. When frankie was in 3rd grade the teacher told him he couldn't have snack time like the other kids because he couldn't write and eat at the same time needless to say I blew a gasket and he was out of that class by start of school the very next day and she was allowed no contact with him. Hope this help and remember be firm don't execpt excuses why they can't do stuff for you child its the law not a favor and the goverment for once is on your side. Mare