
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Assistance

Post by swhite1 »

I agree with Joy on every point.
Call me lucky (ya bad luck is what everyone who knows me will tell you) but I was interviewed by Social Security on the phone laying in bed. I was approved first time. I didn't even ask and they were sending extra $$$ in each of my two young sons names for them and it took nothing away from my monthly rate. I did have a friend of mine, a licensed OT Therapist, help me with the initial paperwork. I used to be left handed and now I am right. Trust me. Things have changed and again here is the number of a Social Security ONLY law office.
1-800-66 BINDER
Before you go off again and say it's hopeless, call them for cryin out loud.
Like Joy said obviously your condition is deteriorating so you really have another case.
My best to you and I'll be looking for some good results from you in the future. That's all I can offer. And with that I yield the post and bow out.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Right arm OBPI One surgery at age 40 Ulnar nerve retransposition
Location: Florida

Re: Assistance

Post by Judy-T »

Nancy and Kath from UBPN went to a meeting at Social Security a couple of years ago and got the blue book successfully changed. Here is the link you would need for bpi. I hope this Helps

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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Injured 5/11/86, had just turned 18 yrs old
Evulsed C5-T1
Intercostal into Bicep 10/86
Location: Los Angeles

Re: Assistance

Post by Dan »

I wanted to open a business but cannot find any help to do this.


What type of business are you thinking of starting? Are you looking for a small business loan? Are you looking for disability services for small business owners?

If you could provide a few answers, maybe we can help do some research to help get your business started and empower you to run a successful business! I think "bensmom" suggestion is great place to start.

Nothing better than running your own company and taking control!

Joy in FL
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Re: Assistance

Post by Joy in FL »

> Nancy and Kath from UBPN went to a meeting at Social
> Security a couple of years ago and got the blue book
> successfully changed. Here is the link you would need
> for bpi. I hope this Helps
> Judy

Thanks Judy! I was going to mention this but could not find the information to back it up. Is this located somewhere in the resource section?
Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
Left TBI on October 31, 1991
minnie m
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Re: Assistance

Post by minnie m »

I am glad that people from UBPN fought for OBPI but this does nothing for TBPI except make us fight to be recognized as disabled. The link provided states that specifically it is for birth injuries aka OBPI.

If anyone is in my sitiuation please contact the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. On there site TBPI is considered a spinal cord injury. I contacted them through an email late last week and today received pages upon pages of organizations in the US specifically that help. This foundation is amazing!

I am going to focus my attention on the organizations provided to me and searching for funding that can help my business to grow so it can support my family while allowing me to focus on my health.

Thank you
Joy in FL
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Re: Assistance

Post by Joy in FL »

Good luck, Minnie. I hope your business thrives as does your health!
Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
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Re: Assistance

Post by Janelle54 »

I posted this earlier about SSDI. They were great for me.

Re: Social Security Disability
Posted: Apr 20, 2008 10:31 PM
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Allsup Inc. has a 97% success rate with Social Security disability claims. My employer and The Standard, my Long Term Disability Insurance Company, hired them to handle my claim.
They started to handle my claim in January. I received a call from my coordinator on 4/18/08 to tell me they received notification from SSDI that I was approved. I have not heard from SSDI yet but I expect to next week. Their phone number is 800-383-2495. Their we address is
I don't know their cost but give them a call.
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Re: Assistance

Post by swhite1 »

Social Security is a no! Cannot stress that enough. Trust me the lawyer tried every avenue possible and appealed until there was no more appealing to be done for over two years and in the end was paid nothing.

I still can't stand to look at this comment. How can you state 'Social Security is a no!'???

Please tell us that you not only are receiving monthly assistance but that you also recieved a big fat check prorated to the date you and your 'so called lawyer' first applied?
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am the wife of Rick, LTBPI. On 6/30/2008, our lives were forever changed. Rick was in a severe auto accident and sustained multiple injuries: broken jaw and facial bones, mild traumatic brain injury, L1 fracture, 4th cranial nerve palsy and LTBPI. With regard to the LTBPI, Rick has had an ulner nerve transfer (January 2009). We are now considering next steps in his treatment, perhaps some muscle transfers. Pain continues to be the worst thing about his injury. We are told that the pain goes away within five years or people have learned to deal with it. Meanwhile, we pray....and wait.
Location: Michigan

Re: Assistance

Post by chimley »


What kind of business are you looking to start? Have you tried your local Chamber of Commerce for assistance. I know our county also has an Economic Development Corporation that helps local businesses get started.

Best wishes!
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Re: Assistance

Post by Shep »

Do you have to not be able to work at all to get SS correct?
I am a software engineer, and still have my right arm to write software. Granted things are tougher and takes longer, but I do not think I would qualify for anything. Right?