Dr. Nath video evaluation

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Dr. Nath video evaluation

Post by Shan_n »

Hi--My daughter is 7 weeks old with RBPI, I sent a video evaluation to Dr. Nath about 2 weeks ago. Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from him? Does he suggest surgery just from that or do you need to see him for an evaluation in person as well? Thank you in advance!
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Re: Dr. Nath video evaluation

Post by Kaiden'smom »

my first video I sent to him took about 5 weeks to hear back. But I also emailed after a few weeks to follow up. I guess he looks at them about once a month. If you daughter is only 7 weeks, you probably have a few months before a nerve graft would be scheduled if needed. I'd strongly recommend you schedule an actual appointment with at least 1 or 2 other doctors. Dr Kozin in Philly is great, he did my son's surgery in October. He works out of Shriner's, so it's free, you will never see a bill, that was a major factor for us, plus I've heard nothing but good things about him. From what I've heard, it's very expensive to see some doctors if your are coming from out of state, they don't always take your insurance. I liked the video evaluations when my son was first born, but it makes more sense to actually meet with the doctor before you actually schedule a surgery.
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Re: Dr. Nath video evaluation

Post by Mare »

It took only about 3 weeks before Dr Nath contacted me he had looked at the video and said yes he could do surgery we had to get all the referals to have further tests done in Texas a 3D MRI and EMG and blood work ect then we had the surgery and came home it took about a week from start to finish. Oh he called in the evening did not email me. But it is important to get more then one opinion my son is 15 1/2 and has seen many bpi doctors his nerve graft was done at TCH 2 others at TCH and 1 at NYU plus one in Texas at Hermen Mermorial with Dr Nath. Plus he sees Dr Kozin at Shriners 1x a yr and has back up at Philidelphia Childrens Hosp Hope this helps Mare
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Re: Dr. Nath video evaluation

Post by Shan_n »

Thank you. I also sent an application to Shriners in Phili about a week and a half ago. I also have an appt with Dr. Keating here at Children's Hospital in DC at the end of the month. I just keep hearing that an effective surgery should be performed at approx 3 months, she has 3 avulsions... I am just a planner and know 3 months will be here before I know it...
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Re: Dr. Nath video evaluation

Post by claudia »

You don't say how you know that your daughter has 3 avulsions, but if she has no hand function and/or arm function at 3-4 months, most neurosurgeons will recommend surgery.

Go on the medical resource page and start emailing docs. A baby with a serious injury really needs to be seen in person by the doctors. I, too, used to like the videos, but later on decided that all decisions needed to be made in person. I have flown all over the country to get different opinions. You need multiple opinions, plus you need to find the doctor with whom you are comfortable.

Kozin, in Philly is great. Waters in Boston is great. Down in Miami is Price and Grossman. Cincinnati Childrens is doing excellent work. There is a group in LA and a group at Stanford....

Most of the docs on our resource page are email friendly.

good luck,